TUM Science Manager

Our science managers make a significant contribution to achieving top performance in research and teaching at TUM.

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The Technical University of Munich is one of the best universities in Europe. It regularly achieves outstanding results in international and national rankings. As a science manager, you will make a significant contribution to the success of TUM: You will take on interdisciplinary design, control, and management tasks in the schools and research centers, as well as in the departments and university divisions. This will create optimal conditions for excellent science.

In the TUM Science Manager qualification program, you will learn specific methods and tools that you can apply directly to your work as a science manager. You will expand and deepen your specialist knowledge and your interdisciplinary management skills. As a result, you will be optimally prepared for diverse, demanding, and responsible activities in science management.

Structure of the qualification programs in the TUM Science Manager

In both qualification programs (level 1 and 2), we provide you with specialist knowledge and specific techniques for professional science management. The content is based on the latest research findings and also takes into account current trends in science management. As a result, we ensure that our qualification programs effectively support you in mastering your interdisciplinary management tasks.

TUM Science Manager (Level 1): Communication, Networking & Managing Projects

For science managers with 1-2 years of relevant professional experience in the coordination or management of (research) projects who have embarked on the path to science management and want to deepen their skills in a scientifically sound manner and acquire new competencies.

TUM Science Manager Level 1

TUM Science Manager (Level 2): Change Management & Transformation

For experienced (3 years or more) science managers who want to further strengthen their management skills and acquire the competencies required for a leadership role in science management.

TUM Science Manager Level 2

Elements of the qualification program


You have questions about the qualification track or want to find out which of the programs is the best fit for you?

Feel free to arrange a consultation appointment with our team: careerdesign@lll.tum.de


Do you have any questions or suggestions about our services? Please feel free to contact us!

What our alumni say

I found the course elements on change management particularly exciting, as we are currently experiencing and shaping this in practice with the school foundations. I decided to actively participate in the transformation and building process of the new TUM School of Engineering and Design.

Science Manager Alumna 2022

During the program, I increasingly took on management and leadership tasks where I could directly benefit from the program’s content.

Science Manager Alumnus 2022


We regularly inform you about news and current offers in the Institute's newsletters.


Perhaps also of interest to you?

ScienceManagement@TUM (formerly Effective Science Management) is the TUM-wide platform for continuing education, exchange, and networking for science managers. Our exclusive range of workshops provides you with effective tools for dealing with your interdisciplinary management tasks. In addition, ScienceManagement@TUM offers you many opportunities for exchange and networking so that you can develop new ideas together with your peers as a community of practice, create synergies at TUM, and establish TUM-wide best practices in science management.

TUM horizons is primarily aimed at people in science-supporting and administration-related activities and offers many formats for your competence and satisfaction in the workplace.

Technical University of Munich

TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich
