TUM Entrepreneurship
Advisor Level 1

Target Audience

The program TUM Entrepreneurship Advisor Level 1 is open to members of the academic mid-level staff (employed on a temporary/unlimited basis in pay group E/A13 or higher) with at least one to two years of professional experience and, generally, with a completed doctorate. The professional experience should have been completed after the doctorate and should include subject matter expertise in one’s own field or experience in entrepreneurship or innovation management. If a significant amount of relevant experience has been gained during the doctorate, this can be taken into account. There is no age limit for application.

In the program 2 orientations are offered: 1) Start-up consulting and coaching and 2) innovation management and process development. The target group is primarily individuals who are highly motivated to support others (e.g. scientists, employees or students) in their entrepreneurial or innovative activities; who have had initial contact with entrepreneurship or innovation, for example through their own (research) activities in this area, through participation in entrepreneurship programs or innovation workshops, or through their own start-up experience; who like to think and work innovatively, who want to design (digital) processes in a new way and supported by methods, and who are interested in intrapreneurship, innovation and organizational development.

Structure and Content

In the Level 1 qualification program, we provide you with concrete tools and techniques for successfully supporting entrepreneurial and innovative activities. Our program incorporates the latest research findings and at the same time takes into account current trends in innovation and start-up management. We focus on content and methods that can be applied directly and support training transfer. In this way, we ensure that our qualification program effectively supports you in mastering your complex tasks.

The program focuses on developing the coaching and consulting skills you need to specifically support the development of start-up teams or the promotion of innovative practices in organizations. In this way, we prepare you not only for a job at TUM, but also for a promising continuation of your career, for example, in non-university research institutions, science-promoting institutions of the state and the federal government, as well as in commercial enterprises.

The program includes workshops and activities in the 4 areas of Mindset, Immersion, Application and Ecosystem. Mindset is about developing an entrepreneurial and innovative mindset. Immersion lets you experience a startup or innovation project firsthand. Application includes supporting start-up or innovation teams with the help of learned coaching and process methods. Ecosystem includes getting to know relevant stakeholders and developing strategic networks.

The orientation towards start-up consulting and coaching looks at the path from the initial idea to a successful start-up team. Program participants acquire skills and knowledge to support and accompany entrepreneurial talents from their environment. The orientation on innovation management and process development, on the other hand, deals with the structure and process of innovation projects in organizations on the basis of established frameworks. Participants of the program will be prepared to assist their colleagues with such challenges in the future and to support the organization TUM in its continuous development. A variety of methods and tools are used in practice in both areas and are therefore learned together in the TUM Entrepreneurship Advisor.

Information on the other elements in the qualification program (self-study, career coaching, peer mentoring, transfer project and job shadowing) can be found here.

Important Dates in the Summer Term 2023

The following events will take place in the summer term 2023:

  • 19.06.2023: Kick-off
  • 20.06.2023: Design Thinking Workshop
  • 30.06. – 07.07.2023: Entrepreneurial Science Talents
  • 10.07. – 14.07.2023: Project Week Innovation Process



No applications are possible at the moment. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact careerdesignspam prevention@lll.tum.de.

Please note: If your current position at TUM is financed in whole or in part by third-party funding, we ask you to clarify directly with the funding body whether it is possible for you to participate. A further education to this extent might not be compatible with the purpose of the funding commitment for some third-party funders. If you are unable to clarify the matter yourself, please contact us again.

Selection Process and Criteria

The selection process is intended to ensure that this qualification program is a good fit for you.

In the first step, we check the completeness of your documents and, if necessary, ask you to submit any required documents. This is followed by a review and evaluation of your application documents by the CareerDesign@TUM team. If you achieve at least 20 points in this step, we look forward to a personal interview with you, in which we would like to better understand your motivation for participation, your commitment as well as your professional experience. We are also happy to discuss mutual expectations for participation during this conversation.

Based on the review process, we will create a ranking list and recommend participation (or rejection). The CareerDesign@TUM board decides on the ranking list and admission to the program. Of course, upon request, we will be happy to take the time to explain the reasons for a possible rejection and suggest alternatives to participation in the pilot program.


CareerDesign@TUM Presentation

Self Assessment

Letter of Recommendation

Information for Supervisors


We regularly inform you about news and current offers in the Institute's newsletters.


Technical University of Munich

TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Eva-Maria Knipfer
Learning & Development Manager

Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich
