
Faculty@TUM offers an evidence-based, custom-tailored development program for professors.

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As professor at TUM, you are not only responsible for research and teaching, but also for tasks such as selecting suitable staff members, supporting junior researchers and leading your team in an efficient manner. You are also responsible for managing resources and creating structures in order to facilitate sustainable research for real social impact. The key challenge is to meet different roles and demands, and at the same time ensure that appropriate boundaries between work and private life exist.

The Faculty@TUM Team of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning supports you in mastering your daily leadership and management challenges. We are the exclusive platform for professors at TUM for continuing education and networking, and offer customized events and resources for your diverse challenges. Our offers are made by scientists for scientists: scientifically based and practice-oriented, sustainable and effective.

You are new at TUM?

Prof. Claudia Peus, Professor of Research and Science Management and Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity at TUM, gives you specific tips for your start at TUM in the video on the right. Here you can find our events for newly appointed professors. All offers of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning and other relevant services can be found in our Faculty@TUM Guide for newly appointed professors:

Download the guide

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Our offers


Our workshops focus on topics that are tailored to the current needs and challenges of professors.

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In a personal conversation, we will discuss which TUM resources could be most useful for you, given your current needs.

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Leadership Profiles

Our personal Leadership Profiles are designed to support you in further developing teamwork.

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TUM Leadership Toolbox

In our TUM Leadership Toolbox, we provide literature and practical guidelines on different leadership topics.

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Eine Frau und ein Mann sitzen in einem Aufnahmestudio und nehmen einen Podcast auf. Freepik


In our podcast series "Leadership Matters", we discuss issues related to good leadership with outstanding experts from research and practice.

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Workshops & Networking for Professors: Our Events

With the Faculty@TUM workshops, we focus on topics that are tailored to the current needs and challenges of professors. We provide you with evidence-based and practice-oriented tools for your everyday work, such as techniques for personnel selection processes, feedback interviews, or dealing with stressed employees. The further development of your (self)leadership and management skills is just as important for us as connecting you with colleagues within TUM and beyond. With our events, we provide you with the opportunity to exchange ideas with your peers, and share knowledge and best practices in an exclusive setting. Our instructors are scientists and leaders from higher education.

All events

It was very professional but at the same time fun to follow. Due to the small group we were lucky to discuss a lot of things in detail.

It was great to meet new colleagues and learn more about academic leadership. I really enjoyed the workshop. I look forward to keeping in touch and probe and try out new techniques.

I very much liked the frank, sincere small group atmosphere. The workshops were well-organized and the speakers were available and attentive to talk about the individual challenges and circumstances of the participants.

Individual Consulting

Would you like to receive recommendations for potential training opportunities for yourself and your team members, and/or plan a development workshop for your team? Please contact us to make an appointment (approx. 30 minutes). We will be happy to advise you on which TUM stakeholders and resources would be most helpful given your career phase and responsibilities.

Your contact person: Dr. Johanna Platter

Optimizing the Cooperation in Your Team: Your Leadership Profile

To help you overcome leadership challenges and optimize the cooperation in your team, we offer a unique opportunity to reflect upon your leadership behavior in a more systematic manner. Based on anonymous feedback from your team members, we are happy to create a scientifically-based personalized leadership profile. You learn how your self-perceptions correspond to others’ perceptions of your leadership behavior and where your potential for further development lies.

Our Leadership Profiles: How it works

TUM Leadership Profile

You would like to learn more about your leadership style in general and optimize the cooperation with your team members in terms of goal setting, motivation or individual support and feedback? We recommend our TUM Leadership Profile, which is based on well-established leadership styles such as transactional and transformational leadership and state-of-the-art research. The TUM Leadership Profile is offered as part of the workshops “Leading in Science” and “Führend Wissen Schaffen”.

Health-oriented Leadership Profile

You would like to assess the health-related aspects of your (self-)leadership behavior and learn how you can reduce health risks and foster resources at your workplace? We recommend our Health-oriented Leadership Profile, which examines how you deal with your own health and health of your team members. The Health-oriented Leadership Profile is offered as part of the workshop “Leadership & Mental Health”.



You participate in an online self-assessment and nominate at least three persons to assess your leadership behavior (i.e., your team members, colleagues or people with whom you have worked before). The nominated persons are asked to provide their assessment within 10 days through a strictly confidential online questionnaire. Of course, only you will then receive the results of the online survey and your Leadership Profile.

We are happy to advise you on which profile is suitable for you. Please contact Dr. Selina Stracke

TUM Unconscious Bias Training

To better recognize and prevent unconscious biases in the future, TUM has developed an Unconscious Bias Online Training. By participating, you will learn to create an inclusive work environment and actively contribute to TUMs mission to inspire, promote and develop talents in all their diversity. For information and contact persons, please click here


For any questions on our course program, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Dr. Johanna Platter
Program Director
johanna.platterspam prevention@tum.de


Dr. Johanna Platter
Director Faculty@TUM

Dr. Selina Stracke
Leadership Development Expert

PD Dr. Kristin Knipfer
Executive Director People Development

Michelle Moos
Learning & Development Expert

Bozhena Varbanova
Student Assistant


We regularly inform you about news and current offers in the Institute's newsletters.


TUM Leadership Toolbox

Here you can find literature and guidelines for executives at TUM.

Technical University of Munich

TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Dr. Johanna Platter
Director Faculty@TUM

Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich

facultyspam prevention@lll.tum.de