Research and commercial cooperations

TUM promotes both basic research, aimed at furthering scientific knowledge and insights in general, and applied research, focused on concrete solutions to defined problems.

Both research strands are mutually complementary in creating new knowledge and shaping the transfer of knowledge and technology into society through collaboration with industry partners. As part of this forcefield, TUM activates the innovation potential of our society.

Transparent rules

Setting standards: In order to ensure transparent contract negotiations, the contract research and cooperation models have been categorized and standardized under a binding set of rules and regu­lations with model agreement forms.

Brochure: TUM Research and Com­mercial Co­ope­rat­ions: Basic principles • Types of Agree­ment • Model Agree­ment Forms (PDF)

Basic principles

Building trust: Our research and commercial cooperations are built on ethically sound, pro­fes­sional relation­ships with our partners. A clearly defined code of conduct streng­thens the trust of our partners and society in us.

TUM Research Code of Conduct (PDF)

Model agreement forms

Frequently used agreements for research and commercial cooperations are available from a secure download area. TUM employees can access this area with their MyTUM user ID. Templates and sample resources for third-party funding.

Templates and sample resources for third-party funding

TUM Industry Engagement Program

As a contacting platform, the Industry Engagement Program offers a first point of contact for companies who want to get to know TUM and its competences. On-site tours, annual Industry Days and newsletters provide insights into research and the latest developments at the university. In addition, experts give in-person advice on contacting suitable professorships.

TUM Industry Engagement Program

Contact us

TUM ForTe is the first point of con­tact and cen­tral coordi­nating office for all enquiries related to research and commercial cooperations.

TUM ForTe – Office for Research and Innovation
Arcisstr. 21
D-80333 Munich
Tel: +49 89 289 28381


Partnerships with research institutions

We collaborate with prestigious research institutions in Munich and around the world to find answers to key scientific questions.

To our partners