Medical Life Science and Technology (PhD-Program)
Der Promotionsstudiengang Medical Life Science and Technology bietet eine herausragende wissenschaftliche Ausbildung für Promovierende aus der Medizin sowie aus den Naturwissenschaften, Lebenswissenschaften oder Ingenieurwissenschaften. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch.
- Vollzeit
- 6 Semester (Vollzeit)
- Zum Wintersemester und zum Sommersemester möglich
Infos zum Studium
This three-year program provides high-level scientific training for students with a background in medicine as well as for those with a background in natural and life sciences or engineering. We are looking for highly motivated applicants with a strong record of academic achievement and a keen interest in scientific research.
The PhD program in Medical Life Science and Technology consists primarily of an experimental scientific project that is performed in the laboratory of a faculty member. The practical work is complemented by interdisciplinary lectures, seminars and practical courses. About 50 research groups from various departments, working with a wide variety of techniques, actively participate in our program. The projects cover a diverse range of topics within and continuously expanding the boundaries of the program's main research areas: cardiovascular, imaging, immunology and infection, neuroscience, oncology and molecular medicine.
Medical students of the Technische Universität München can be admitted well before obtaining their final medical degree. In an attempt to improve their clinical-scientific education, they will be able to follow their regular medical studies and the training within the PhD program in parallel.
The PhD program is hosted by TUM School of Medicine and a part of the TUM Medical Graduate Center and therefore of the TUM Graduate School. All students will become members of the Graduate School and benefit from its offers, such as financial support for international research activities, free soft skills courses and manuscript proof-reading, to name just a few.
The goal of the program is to give our students a thorough scientific training and the tools to become successful and independent researchers.
Researcher, also in industry.
In addition to the dissertation project, students will participate in lectures, practical courses, seminars and lab rotations relating to their projects. To accommodate the individual project schedules, students can choose when to take these classes. However, it is recommended that they sign up for classes during their first semesters in the program. Advice on how best to organize course schedules will be provided by the program coordinator on an individual basis.
Successful participation in classes is determined in several ways, including written or oral exams, presentations and reports. In order to graduate, 138 credit points are required in research work and 38 credit points in course work, 4 more credit points for defense.
Erforderlicher Sprachnachweis für die Bewerbung:
Für diesen Studiengang müssen Sie ausreichende Englischkenntnisse nachweisen. Der Nachweis muss bis zum Ende der Bewerbungsfrist an der TUM eingegangen sein. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht aller zulässigen Sprachnachweise.
Mit diesem Nachweis erfüllen Sie die Mindestanforderung für die Zulassung. Für einen erfolgreichen Studienabschluss kann es aber erforderlich sein, die eigenen Sprachkenntnisse weiter auszubauen und zu vertiefen. Unser Sprachenzentrum kann Sie dabei unterstützen.
Die Unterrichtssprache in diesem Studiengang ist Englisch.
Verbindliche Regelungen zu Studienablauf, Prüfungen und Bewerbung
Bewerbung und Zulassung
We require applicants to either have successfully completed their medical studies or hold a Master’s degree or Diplom in natural sciences, engineering, psychology, or a related discipline or to be current medical students of the Technichal University of Munich. Medical students of the Technical University of Munich may apply after passing the first part of the “Ärztliche Prüfung”. If accepted, these students will be able to alternatingly complete their MD and PhD training. Students who have successfully completed their Bachelor’s degree and are currently enrolled in a Master’s program at the Technical University of Munich can also apply and may be accepted under certain circumstances. These students will have to show proof of successful completion of their Master’s degree within one year.
- Bachelor-Zeugnis und Bachelor-Urkunde oder Fächer- und Notentranskript
- Master-Zeugnis und Master-Urkunde
- Sprachnachweis Englisch
- Hochschulzugangsberechtigung
- Transcript of Records
- Nachweis über Physikum / Erste Ärztliche Prüfung
- Begründungsschreiben (Motivationsschreiben)
- Lückenloser und aktueller Lebenslauf
We may require additional documents depending on your educational background and your country of origin. Complete the online application to receive a comprehensive list of the required documents.
- Antrag auf Einschreibung (unterschrieben)
- Bachelor-Zeugnis und Bachelor-Urkunde (authentisches Dokument)
- Transcript of Records (authentisches Dokument)
- Aktuelles Passbild
- Digitale Meldung des Versichertenstatus durch eine deutsche gesetzliche Krankenkasse (veranlasst durch Bewerberin/Bewerber)
We may require additional documents depending on the type of educational background you earned and your country of origin. After accepting an offer of admission in TUMonline, you will receive a list of documents you must submit to TUM in hardcopy for enrollment.
Application deadline for winter semester: 15.05.
Application deadline for summer semester: 15.11.
Prospective students apply via the website of the degree program.
Selection takes place through an aptitude assessment procedure. The aptitude assessment is a two-part procedure after the submission of an official application to a program. In this procedure, the TUM school determines whether you meet the specific requirements for its Master’s degree program.
In the initial stages, the grades you obtained during your Bachelor’s and Master’s program, as well as your written documents, will be evaluated using a point system. Depending on the amount of points accumulated, applicants are invited to an admissions interview.
- Information on the Aptitude Assessment (German)
Allgemeine Studienberatung & Studieninformation
Fragen rund um Bewerbung und Zulassung
+49 89 289 22245
Arcisstr. 21, Raum 0144
Allgemeine Studienberatung
Raphaela Blum
+49 89 4140 4338
Ismaninger Str. 22, 81675 München
Bettina Kratzer
+49 89 4140 4461
Ismaninger Str. 22, 81675 München