Automated Evaluation: EvaSys

EvaSys is a web-­based plat­form for the creation, imple­menta­tion and adminis­tration of sur­veys. From question­naire design to auto­mated repor­ting through to the analy­sis of results, EvaSys offers a compre­hen­sive solu­tion for evalua­tion pro­cesses. The sys­tem is suitable for standardized course evalua­tions of vary­ing scope, whether by indivi­dual instruc­tors for the evalua­tion of their own courses or univer­sity-­wide surveys regar­ding specific con­cerns. 

TUM has acquired a campus license. This means that EvaSys is available free of charge to all schools and faculties, their members, and central units for surveys in the area of teaching and learning.


Framework questionnaires and templates can be found in the download area.

Contact: Evaluation

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Study and Teaching – Quality Management
Arcisstr. 19
80333 München

Evaluating Studies and Teaching:

Simone Gruber, M.A.
Tel.: +49 89 289 25237
Mail: gruber(at)

Dipl.-Soz. David Schneider
Tel.: +49 89 289 25416
Mail: schneiderd(at)