MINT-Impulse an der Schule

TUM on the road with experimentation kits around Bavaria: In one-day projects, 8th, 9th, or 10th grade students work together with TUM instructors at their school on current topics from the subject areas of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT).

MINT-Impulse is sponsored by Hg foundation.

Concept, Goals & Values

The project MINT-Impulse at school takes up current and exciting STEM topics TUM. Various TUM chairs develop mobile workshops in which a lot of practical work is done. TUM speakers bring these workshops to schools in Upper Bavaria as MINT-Impulse.


In total, there will 10 to 15 different projects from a wide range of areas at TUM available. Five of them are already fully developed and had their first regular operation in 2022. Five other projects are currently in the test phase and will go into regular operation from spring 2023. 

An overview of all projects can be found here.