10 Oct 2024

Panel discussion and networking

Women in STEM Round Table

  • Thursday, 10/10/2024
  • 09:00 - 12:00 o'clock

Event location
Google headquarters

Target audience

On 10/10/24 we will celebrate the next edition of the Women in STEM Round Table with a panel discussion with inspiring female role models from the STEM field who work at Google, a Q&A session afterwards and time for networking over coffee and breakfast at the Google headquarters in Munich.

All FINTA bachelor and master students as well as doctoral students and postdocs at TUM are invited, including women, intersex, non-binary, transgender and agender people. The Women in STEM Round Table is a series of events initiated by Diversity & Equal Opportunities as part of the Google exploreCSR Award.

The event is already sold out.

Additional information

Contact: diversityspam prevention@tum.de