Technology in the fight against climate change
Lecture: Technologically Enhanced Informal Learning for Climate Resilience
Event location
Target audience
external guests
Dr. Linda Hirsch (UC Santa Cruz, CA)
How can technology support informal learning to strengthen climate resilience? Learn more in the lecture by Dr. Linda Hirsch, postdoctoral researcher at the Social Emotional Technology Lab at UC Santa Cruz. Dr. Hirsch will discuss the importance of human-computer interaction and digital solutions in the context of climate resilience, while also adressing the challenges involved in conducting research in natural hazard-prone areas.
Additional information
- More about the lecture by Dr. Linda Hirsch
- TUM Center for Educational Technologies
- Contact: nadja.terzimehic
How to find us
Location: TUM Think Tank, Hochschule für Politik München, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 1, 80333 Munich