21 Sep 2024

Livestream from UN summit

Discussion about digital public goods

  • Saturday, 9/21/2024
  • 5:15 pm – 6:30 pm

Event location

Public event

Target audience

What potential do digital public goods and a digital public infrastructure have? How can they contribute to achieving the global sustainability goals? And how can citizens have a say in this? Representatives from science, NGOs and politics will discuss this at "The Power of the Commons: Digital Public Goods for a More Secure, Inclusive, and Resilient World".

Watch the debate in the livestream

The panelists include Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, Amandeep Singh Gill, UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology, and Urs Gasser, Professor for Public Policy, Governance and Innovative Technology at TUM.

Additional information

All panelists

The discussion will take place at the UN headquarters in New York on the occasion of the Summit of the Future. The United Nations will vote on the Global Digital Compact at the summit. This is intended to define principles, objectives and actions for an open, free, secure and human-centered digital future.

The debate is being organized by the Wikimedia Foundation, the TUM Think Tank and other partners.

Event overview