Representatives in the senate, school councils and student representations
University elections
Target audience
Exercise your right to co-determination – all eligible voters have received an election notification in advance. This contains all the important information about the election process and the respective polling station.
To be elected are:
- the student representatives in the Senate, all School Councils, and student representations;
- the representatives of the university professors, the scientific staff and doctoral students, and other staff members in the School Councils of the School of Engineering and Design, the School of Management, and the School of Social Sciences and Technology;
- the representatives of the university professors, the scientific staff and doctoral students, other staff members, and students in the Institute Council of the Integrative Research Center “Technical University of Munich – Straubing Campus for Biotechnology and Sustainability” (TUMCS);
- the representatives of the university professors, the scientific staff and doctoral students, and students in the Interfaculty Study Program Division Council of TUMCS;
- the Department Heads of the TUM School of Engineering and Design, the TUM School of Management, and the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology.
How to find us
- Please find your polling station on your election notification.