Digital annual exhibition of the Department of Architecture from August 13-18, 2020

Update Architecture: What will the new decade bring us?

How do we deal with the societal and ecological challenges facing us today? Are we "UpToDate"? Entitled "Update Architecture", the TUM Department of Architecture's digital annual exhibition will open on August 13. The exhibition is also emblematic of an update for the entire university, intended to consolidate the work methods and tools of the various disciplines in order to facilitate new ideas for the challenges of the future.

Ausstellungstück auf der TUM Werkschau Daniel Petz / TUM Department of Architecture
Exhibition by students of Architecture: Still held on TUM's central Munich campus in 2019, this year's exhibit goes digital for the first time.

The AJA 2020 Architecture Annual Exhibition will be accompanied by a three-day main program and panel discussions on a variety of subjects relating to the theme of Update Architecture, as well as videos from student initiatives. All the events can be followed digitally on the exhibition's YouTube channel, AJA TV. The digital exhibition is being advertised with models and posters on display in the storefront windows of selected shops, cafés and offices and can be experienced throughout the Munich metropolitan area.

The concept for this annual exhibition was created by 15 students in a seminar with Prof. Andres Lepik at the Chair of History of Architecture and Curatorial Practice.

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Video: Opening remarks from TUM President Thomas F. Hofmann

Reform for TUM: Consolidating the work methods and tools of the disciplines

TUM is also updating itself, transitioning from the traditional system of departments into a matrix structure of schools and interdisciplinary research centers, a core component of the TUM Agenda 2030 reform package. The university's goal is to make better use of interaction potentials between disciplines and to enable system-integrative approaches to societal challenges, in research just as in teaching. Accordingly, the Department of Architecture will become a part of the new TUM School of Engineering and Design as of winter semester 2021/22.

"Graduates must be in a position to consolidate the work methods and tools of different disciplines as needed," stated TUM President Thomas F. Hofmann in his opening address at the AJA 2020. "The integration of societal, ethical and political, legal perspectives as well as Design-Thinking methods in our engineering sciences is an absolute necessity if we are to better align future technical systems with functionalities for humans and with the needs, expectations and values of society."

Technical University of Munich

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Technical University of Munich 
Department of Architecture
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