Not to be missed: Service for Students
Service, offers, deadlines

EuroTeQ: Virtual course catalogue for online courses
The EuroTeQ course catalogue is here! Through this joint teaching offer, students of the EuroTeQ partners have the opportunity to attend virtual courses at the partner universities in the winter semester 2021/22. In the upcoming semester, TUM students can take courses at DTU, TU/e, L'X, TalTech and CTU – and also at TUM itself, and students of all EuroTeQ partners can participate in selected courses at TUM. Students at TUM can still apply via the MoveON application form by noon on August 11, 2021. More information: EuroTeQ course catalogue. Application process for TUM students: EuroTeQ Network
“Learning from Nature”: Become part of the Junge Akademie of TUM
TUM promotes exceptionally talented and committed students who are enthusiastic about the world of science at an early age in its “Junge Akademie”. The motto of the new year will be "Learning from Nature". The application phase has already started. Get an insight into the scholarship program at the information event on August 16, 2021 (7-8 p.m.) and send us your initiative application with a letter of recommendation from a member of the professorate by August 31, 2021. More information: TUM Junge Akademie Application
Vaccinations for students on August 18
On August 18, 2021, students and employees can once again be vaccinated in Garching. The appointment is primarily for second vaccinations, but first vaccinations are also possible. Vaccinations will be offered from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Magistrale of the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering, Boltzmannstraße 15. Vaccination is voluntary, open to all TUM students and employees regardless of citizenship or place of residence, and of course free of charge. More information: Vaccinations for TUM Students and Staff
Tutors wanted for TUMi
The International Campus Life team helps new international students find their way around TUM and Munich. Student buddies are always a tremendous support, helping our newcomers with their first steps in Munich and also accompanying them during the semester at joint events. Would you like to join TUMi as a tutor? Then get in touch! Applications can be submitted directly via the TUMi app by August 30, 2021. More information: International Campus Life
Start-up assistance for founders in Munich
Helping high-tech founders and their start-ups succeed within the Munich ecosystem is the goal of the TUM Global DeepTech Venture Initiative (GDTV). As part of the initiative, the TUM DeepTech IDEAward gives international entrepreneurship talent the chance to fund their entry. Convince our expert jury and win a total of Euro 40,000 in prize money and Euro 40,000 in scholarships. Apply now until August 31, 2021. Contact: Juliana Bonitz, TUM ForTe, bonitz. More information:
Magma Chambers of Writing
Magma Chambers of Writing („Magmakammern des Schreibens“): Under this motto, the Bavarian Academy of Writing (“Bayerische Akademie des Schreibens”) is organising weekend seminars for students between January and June 2022. They will be led by well-known authors and editors. Participation incl. overnight stay is free of charge. Application deadline: September 1, 2021. More information: Bayerische Akademie des Schreibens at TUM. Application: Literaturhaus München Magmakammern des Schreibens
Global Health Summit Summer School
The future of health: TUM's Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences is organising the first interdisciplinary summit with associated summer school from September, 13 to 18, 2021. The focus is on questions such as: "Driving economic growth and improving quality of life and life expectancy: Can we have it all?" and "Lessons from the COVID 19 pandemic", "What will our health care system of the future look like". The event will be held in English. More information: Global Health Summit 2021
Science Hack “Virtual Rooms, people, and creatures”
Virtual space is present everywhere. Together with the Münchner Kammerspiele, the TUM: Junge Akademie hosts one more hackathon this year. Students and doctoral candidates from Munich's universities as well as from the five EuroTeQ partner universities are invited to participate. During 36 hours, teams will work on challenging tasks, develop concepts and also concrete applications: Science Hack 2021. The event will take place online. Registration from August, 15 to September, 15, 2021: Science Hack 2021 Registration
Save the date: Symposium “Celebrating Creativity”
What does creativity mean to you? How much creativity is there in art, science and technology? And how creative is artificial intelligence actually? Save the date for the TUM Junge Akademie Symposium on October 30, 2021. Stay up to date and register now: Celebrating Creativity Registration. More information: Symposium Celebrating Creativity
Indo-German student competitions
Put a note in your calendar: In this fall, exciting student competitions on the topics of climate, environment, energy, mobility and transportation are scheduled in cooperation with IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur as part of the Indo-German Partnership Project (IGP). Participating pays off: The German-Indian winning teams can look forward to attractive cash prizes. More information: Indo-German Partnership Project
Survey on distance examinations
How did you cope with the exams at TUM before Corona, how do you cope during Corona? As part of a project regarding competence-oriented examinations, TUM Department of Informatics is conducting a survey. Your opinions and wishes on how examinations should possibly change after the pandemic are also requested. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. To the survey: Survey on distance examinations
How are you doing? A survey by TUM4Health
What strains are TUM students under? A questionnaire survey by TUM4Health wants to find out and help to optimally support current and future students. In order to take into account as many opinions as possible and to obtain representative results, every vote is important. Feel free to participate and share the following link as well: TUM4Health Survey. Perhaps you have other ideas? On the TUM4Health homepage, we provide information to make the exam period easier for you: TUM4Health. Contact: www.tum4health
Women of TUM Talks 2021
The Women of TUM Talks encourage and inspire. They offer all women of TUM a platform and make role models visible. They also mean to empower women to reach their goals. This year’s speakers from science, business and industry provide impulses on the topic of “Power, Strength & Energy”. They share personal and professional insights, give advice and discuss questions. More information: TUM Community Events
Welcome Winter for newcomers
Welcome to TUM! Are you coming from abroad and starting your studies at TUM in the winter semester? In September, there are several events especially for international first-year students, starting with the First Steps Info Sessions. There will also be an Interactive Language Café and a service fair for the start of your studies. More information: TUM Welcome Winter
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