Not to be missed: Service for students
Dates, offers and suggestions

IGP student competition on climate and environmen
As part of the Indo-German Partnership program Exploration, TUM is collaborating with IITs Bombay and Kharagpur to jointly advance research in the fields of climate, environment, energy, mobility, and transportation. You now have the opportunity to register for the first team competition in the research group Climate, Environment, and Energy. Participants can be teams of master's students and doctoral candidates from TUM. The task is for a team to address current environmental issues in a short video or podcast and present innovative solutions to combat climate change. Look forward to fun group work – and lucrative cash prizes for the first three winning teams. Registration is open until March 4, 2022. Details, contact, and registration: IGP student competition on climate and environment
Innovation format Think.Make.Start
50 students, all disciplines, 2 weeks, 6 ECTS: From May 6 to 20, 2022, the interdisciplinary innovation format Think.Make.Start (TMS) will take place again. Here you can work on real product ideas together with students from other disciplines. The event is open to students from all disciplines and is worth 6 ECTS. A completed Bachelor's degree is recommended. More information: TUM Think.Make.Start or apply directly until March 6, 2022 via: Contact: info.tms
International Women’s Day 2022
To mark International Women’s Day 2022 the Women of TUM, the TUM Gender Equality Office and the Diversity Office of TUM School of Life Science invite you to a broad range of networking sessions on Zoom. The aim: To celebrate the achievements of women at TUM and to give you the opportunity to meet like-minded women, connect on topics of your interest and simply have an evening of fun! On March 8, 2022 (7 pm – 8.30 pm) via Zoom (multilingual). More information and registration: International Women's Day 2022
Language learning in the summer semester 2022
From the summer semester onwards, the Language Centre's courses will be held both face-to-face and online. In addition, there will be blended or hybrid formats. The programme will be available in TUMonline from March 10, 2022. Registration from March 10 to April 18. More information in the details of the respective course in TUMonline. During the spring semester break, the Language Center offers block courses in 15 different languages. The programme and registration deadlines can also be found in TUMonline. The courses take place online via Zoom.
TUM Master’s Days 2022
This year, TUM is once again offering the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about its Master's programmes. From March 28 to April 8, 2022, you can find out about study programmes and application procedures as well as clarify open questions, for example, which paths lead to research and how study achievements can be improved. The TUM student advisory service also offers insights into non-consecutive combination options in the Master's area. All events will take place virtually. Registration online from March 9, 2022 at
Munich Global Impact Sprint
Apply with your business model for the Munich Global Impact Sprint (MGIS)! As part of the TUM Global DeepTech Venture Initiative, you will benefit from the unique start-up ecosystem of Munich's top universities and the constant exchange with outstanding partners from business and science. Application deadline is March 15, 2022. The MGIS is an intensive six-month programme for entrepreneurial talent. For six months, TUM, UnternehmerTUM, LMU and HM will support your tech start-up. Application MGIS. More info: TUM Global DeepTech Venture Initiative
Open Day am TUM Campus Heilbronn
On March 26, 2022, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the auditorium at Bildungscampus 6 in 74076 Heilbronn: Exciting insights into the various educational offers, campus life and the numerous opportunities to develop at one of the most modern and innovative places of study in Germany. Exhibition stands, info sessions, campus tours and the opportunity to visit TUM's own Extended Reality Lab. More info, the agenda and registration: Open Day TUM Campus Heilbronn
TUM Family Service: Online events for (expectant) student parents
Family Café of Munich's Universities - exchange experience and get to know other students with children or pregnant students. The networking event will take place on April 5, 2022 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm online. Information and registration. Information about the compatibility of studies and family at TUM: TUM Family Service. Keep up to date and sign up for the newsletter "Studying with a child at TUM".
Registration for the EuroTeQ Collider "Leave no waste behind"
As part of the EuroTeQ initiative to shape the common European engineering education of the future, the Chair of Policy Analysis is launching the first EuroTeQ Collider at TUM in the summer semester. This is an innovative learning format with the aim of bringing students together with trainees and professionals to address challenges around the theme "Leave no waste behind". The module offers different challenges from lecturers, students and corporate partners on the topics of "Cities", "Energy" and "Consumption", which are worked on in the project seminar. Bachelor and Master students of all disciplines can take the module, which is assessed with 6 ECTS. Registration for the module is still possible until April 6, 2022. The module numbers are SOT82700 (for bachelor students) and SOT86700 (for master students). If you have any problems with registration, please contact euroteq directly.
As a buddy for students from the UK, USA, Canada
From the beginning of July to the beginning of September, around 30 students from the UK, the USA and Canada will be coming to us as part of the TUM Practical Research Experience Program (TUM PREP) to work on various research projects. We are looking for students who will spend time with the guests, introduce them to Munich, Bavaria, Germany and offer help with questions as well as practical support. You can apply until April 15, 2022: TUM PREP Buddy Application. More info: TUM PREP
Paving the way for sustainable city logistics
Making logistics in cities more sustainable: Start-ups can do this in the six-month programme "Sustainable City Logistics Accelerator". Mobility start-ups can apply until May 01, 2022. The teams receive coaching, mentoring and workshops as well as the unique opportunity to test their solution in European cities in so-called Living Labs. Support comes from UnternehmerTUM (Munich), Futurebox (Copenhagen), PoliHub (Milan), Technion DRIVE (Haifa), ISBAK (Istanbul), TUM (Munich) and AZO (Gilching). There is office space in selected hubs, demo days, access to one of the strongest networks in Europe, international peer-to-peer learning, contact to investors and facilitated access to test and demonstration facilities. More info: Sustainable City Logistics
Information Event: How do I finance my studies with a child?
Employees of the advisory network of Munich Student Union inform about financing options for studying with a child. The information event will take place on May 2, 2022 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am online (only in German). Information and registration. Information about the compatibility of studies and family at TUM: TUM Family Service. Keep up to date and sign up for the newsletter "Studying with a child at TUM".
PrepDoc 2022: Doctoral Preparation at TUM
The TUM Graduate School invites all TUM Master's students to this year's PrepDoc programme. From May 23 to June 3, 2022, there will be valuable insights into planning a PhD at TUM, such as funding opportunities, finding a supervisor, research strategies and many other topics to consider before starting a PhD at TUM. The programme is free of charge and consists of an introductory event, a panel discussion and various workshops. More info: TUM PrepDoc 2022
Save the date: TUM Global Week 2022
Once again, all TUM students are cordially invited to experience TUM's international diversity first-hand during TUM Global Week. The events from June 27 to July 1, 2022 are generally planned in an online format; individual events could also take place hybrid or in presence at the main campus, depending on the development of the Corona location. TUM Global Week is the ideal opportunity to find out about funding opportunities for stays abroad and international research collaborations, among other things, as well as current topics of international importance. More info: TUM Global Week 2022
Entrepreneurial thinking at the CDTM
The Center of Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) is a joint initiative of TUM and LMU Munich and is aimed at motivated and entrepreneurial students from all degree programmes. The programme, which runs parallel to the studies, consists of practical projects with start-ups and companies from industry. CDTM graduates have founded more than 200 companies, including unicorns such as TradeRepublic, Personio and forto. Are you curious? Then sign up to receive details about our information events, workshops and studying at CDTM: CDTMsignup
Don’t shred your work – if not Bansky
You wrote a ground-breaking (PhD) thesis and fought through study design, writing style and formalities every night? By creatively elaborating on one aspect of your thesis you cannot only increase your science communication skills, but also give your research the attention it deserves. So don’t shred your work, if not Banksy and take part! More info on this TUM Junge Akademie project on Instagram (@creathesis) or CreaThesis.
Find your Learning Partner via app
LETO matches you with other students in your course to help you get the answers you need and gain insights from your peers. We connect you with students who have similar personality traits and learning types, so that the learning exchange runs even better. Learn more about LETO and find your learning partner on: LETO
New Job, New You? Personality development in professional life
We learn and develop throughout our lives. Work, where many people spend a large part of their time, plays a special role in this. The project "New Job, New You?" by the TUM School of Management and the University of Amsterdam explores which impulses and interactions play a role here and how they affect our personality development. Interested students on the threshold of starting a career or employees who have just changed employers can take part. They are regularly surveyed and receive feedback on their personal development, but also on teamwork, working effectively in a home office or dealing with difficult colleagues. To register: Project „New Job, New You?“
New edition of TUMcampus: "We keep reinventing ourselves"
Four of the future seven schools now exist at TUM. The new issue of TUMcampus reports on the founding ceremonies of the TUM School of Engineering and Design and the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology. Founding Dean Prof. Urs Gasser explains why values and technology are inseparable. In addition, the issue accompanies two student teams that won international competitions - the fastest tunnel boring machine in Las Vegas and the autonomous motor race in Indianapolis. To the magazine: TUMcampus 1/2022
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