Not to be missed: Service for Students
Service, offers, deadlines

mentorING for female students: Application deadline on October 19
Existing since 2002, mentorING is one of the most successful mentoring programs at TUM. It supports female students with the orientation on the labor market as well as personal and professional development. The focus of the business-oriented program is the development of a reliable professional network as well as their personal and professional development of mentees. The application deadline for participation in the winter semester 2021/22 is October 19, 2021. More info: mentorING for female students
M!A - Munich Initiatives Evening
Are you new to TUM or do you want to get an overview of the active student initiatives in Munich? Then don't miss the M!A, the Munich Initiatives Evening, organized by the Junge Akademie of TUM, together with the TUM SoM student council and VMSI e.V.. You will meet and great representatives of fourty initiatives: coming from Consulting, Engineers without Borders, IKOM, and AkaFlug to TUfastEco and AcTUM, there are a variety of opportunities to discover. Sign up and be part of it online on October 20, 2021 from 18:00. Information on the initiatives and how to register can be found at: Munich Initiatives Evening
Women of TUM Talks 2021
The Women of TUM Talks aim to encourage, inspire and make role models visible. Astrophysicist Prof. Elisa Resconi, judoka and medical student Theresa Stoll, and TUM alumna & founder Dr. Tina Ruseva will speak on the topic of "Power, Strength & Energy" on October 26, 2021, at 7 p.m., streamed live from TUM-IAS via the TUM YouTube channel. The event is mainly in German language. More information and registration: Women of TUM Talks 2021
Global Dialogue: Kick-off with TUM San Francisco
This fall, another TUM Global Dialogue Series is offered. The first event will be the TUM San Francisco Dialogue: Internationalization – a key to entrepreneurial success on October 28, 2021. With the Series, launched in 2020, the entire TUM community as well as the interested public is invited to participate in the dialogue between TUM scientists and their partners as well as societal stakeholders worldwide. This year's events will again be held online and in English. More info: TUM Global Events
enigame Math Challenge
Challenged from the first to the last minute: using logic, unconventional thinking and team spirit, you can come a long way in the puzzle hunt enigame. "enigame - spaced out" will take place online on October 29 and 30, 2021. The organizers of the game are members and alumni of the Department of Mathematics. More info: enigame Math Challenge
Symposium „Creating Creativity“
"Technology & Arts" is the student research projects call of the scholarship holders of TUM's #class20 of the Junge Akademie. They cordially invite you to their public symposium, with keynotes by digital strategist Dr. Johanna Koop and AI artist Michal Sedbon. The broadcast from TUM's Audimax will be live-streamed and promises 90 exciting minutes on October 30, 2021, from 20:00 to 21:30. Registration: Symposium "Creating Creativity"
Apply now for a worldwide study stay
Until November 2, 2021 you can apply for a stay abroad in the winter semester 2022/23 and in the summer semester 2023 via the TUMexchange program. It offers B.A. and M.A. students of all disciplines the opportunity for a study-related stay abroad at selected partner universities outside Europe. More info: TUMexchange
ProVeg Hackathon for the food and beverages
From November 4 to November 7, 2021 ProVeg Incubator is organizing a hackathon for our future food and vegan nutrition. For this purpose, various events and workshops are held, which are aimed at students. The concepts and especially the prototypes can be developed in our TUM Venture Lab FAB in Weihenstephan. More info: Future Food Hackathon 2021
For students with child(ren) and parents-to-be
The TUM Family Service offers students with child(ren) and parents-to-be: Family Café of the Munich Universities on November 9, 2021, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m., exchange and get to know other students with child(ren); How do I finance my studies with a child (information event) on November 18, 2021, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. with an impulse lecture by the advisory network of the Munich Student Union followed by a question and answer session; Stress management for students with a child (impulse lecture) on December 2, 2021, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. In each case virtually via GoToMeeting. More info: Studying at TUM with a family
Science Hack “Human Centered Technology”
The next #ScienceHack of the Junge Akademie of TUM will take place on November 26 to 28, 2021. Under the theme " Human Centered Technology " six companies and three chairs will each set a challenge. Two and more teams per task will develop solutions in parallel. Students and doctoral candidates from TUM and all universities of Munich are invited to participate, also students from the EUROTeQ universities. Info and registration: Science Hack "Human Centered Technology"
Erasmus+: Apply now for a study stay within Europe
From December 1, 2021 to January 13, 2022 you can apply for an Erasmus+ exchange place in the academic year 2022/23. With the program you will receive financial support for your stay abroad and pay no tuition fees at the partner university. You can expand your professional, linguistic, and intercultural skills and secure an entry in your Diploma Supplement. Academic achievements made abroad can be recognized in consultation with your department or school. More info: Erasmus+
Online library tours for first-year students
Get to know your library: First-year students can join online guided tours in German and English through the University Library. These tours introduce you to the branch libraries on the TUM campuses and offer you a first orientation how to find, borrow and return literature and much more. More info and registration: TUM library tours
Plan your future with the Career Service
TUM accompanies you throughout your life in all phases of your career. TUM`s career service supports you in the preparation of your application documents and gives you information and tips on how you can effectively plan and shape your job search, career entry and development. Register here for all webinars and workshops: TUM Career Service
EuroTeQ Collider: Leave No Waste Behind
A competition of the EuroTeQ-Universities: Submit ideas now until mid-November and collaborate with other students, professionals and key players from society and industry on solutions for the challenges of the future. More info: EuroTeQ Collider
Virtual learning room open again in winter semester
Even though presence at the university is possible again, the virtual learning room will continue to be offered in the winter semester. It is intended for all those who prefer to study at home but do not want to miss out on the community of others. "TUM Study with me" is a virtual learning space made available via Zoom. Students can study together there in a concentrated environment or get together in break-out rooms to exchange ideas or study in groups, available from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 17:00. More info: TUM Study with me
ProLehre Studyskills: Getting through the semester with a plan
Keeping track during the semester, efficiently preparing the learning material or strengthening one's own motivation to learn: Students can find out how this can work with ProLehre's studyskills programme. The team supports students free of charge with a wide range of (online) workshops, online materials and individual advice on all matters relating to effective learning at the university. Contact: lernkompetenz. More info: @prolehre.tum.deProLehre Studyskills or on Instagram: prolehre_lernkompetenz
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