26 Nov 2024

Cultural program at Salon Luitpold

Lecture and discussion: The future of agriculture

  • Tuesday, 11/26/2024
  • 19:00

Event location
Salon Luitpold Munich

Public event

Agriculture, climate, health - these are just a few areas in which changes are necessary if we want to shape a sustainable future. What role can science play in this? How can ethical conflicts be addressed? And how can society get involved? On three evenings (further dates: 1/15/25 and 2/10/25), scientific policy advice will be examined and discussed with the audience. The series is organized by Salon Luitpold, Corporate Communication Center, Think Tank and School for Social Sciences and Technology at TUM.

The first evening will focus on agricultural policy. What conflicts of interest arise in the area of tension between economy and ecology and how can they be resolved? What has the Commission on the Future of Agriculture achieved? The other evenings will focus on climate policy and health.

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Strohschneider (Chairman of the Commission on the Future of Agriculture and Advisor to the EU Commission)
  • Prof. Dr. Senthold Asseng (TUM)
  • Dr. Mascha Gugganig (LMU) 
Additional information
How to find us

Venue: Salon Luitpold, Brienner Str 11, 80333 Munich