Not to be missed: Service for students
Dates, offers and ideas

Global Entrepreneurship Summer School (GESS)
Focus on "Planetary Health": In the GESS virtual programme, 50 students from different disciplines immerse themselves in "Impact Entrepreneurship" and develop sustainable and innovative solutions. Included are theoretical inputs as well as practical and interactive methods that make GESS unique as an exciting, emotional and unforgettable experience that brings people together from all over the world. Date: 29 July to 6 August 2022. Application is still possible until April 17, 2022:
Get started: Library Powerday
Finding relevant literature, citing without errors and creating a bibliography with a mouse click? With the Library Powerday you get fit for your studies! Before the start of the lecture period, the University Library offers you a compact introduction into research strategies and information literacy, which will prepare you best for your studies or will bring your knowledge up to date for your final thesis. Dates: April 20, 2022 (German), April 21, 2022 (English). Registration & details: TUM Library Powerday
UnternehmerTUM Academy for Innovators
This is where people come together who are enthusiastic about new ideas or technologies and enjoy tinkering with forward-looking products. You will receive ECTS or a certificate and all the support of UnternehmerTUM. Courses in summer 2022: Tech Challenge from April 25, 2022, more info: Tech Challenge Summer 2022; Business Plan Basic Seminar from April 27, 2022, more info: Businessplan Basic Seminar Summer 2022; Innovative Entrepreneurs from April 28, 2022, more info: Innovative Entrepreneurs Summer 2022. Contact: techtalents
Responsibility in Times of (Climate) Change
In the summer semester of 2022, the lecture series on the environment will focus on climate change. The lecture series starts on April 26, 2022 with the documentaries "Oro Blanco" and "El Peso del Oro". The role of individual parties from the United Nations and the EU to individuals and their contribution to meaningful climate protection measures will be highlighted. Topics such as climate justice, neo-colonialism and agricultural transformation will also be addressed. The series is organised by the Environmental Student Representation. More info:
Library tours and webinars
From literature research to loan services or e-media access: library tours and introductory courses at the University Library are perfect for entering the world of media and information literacy – practice-oriented and compact. Furthermore, the course program offers advanced webinars to deepen your knowledge and to keep you up to date. Topics are: Research strategies, citation, reference management with Citavi or EndNote, research data management, and copyright. Webinars will take place throughout the semester, online library tours from April 26 to May 9, 2022. Registration & details: course program | TUM library tours
Entrepreneurial thinking at the CDTM
The Center of Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) is aimed at motivated and entrepreneurial students from all degree programmes. The programme runs parallel to studies and consists of practical projects with start-ups and companies from industry. CDTM graduates have founded more than 200 companies, including unicorns such as TradeRepublic, Personio and forto. Registration from May 01 to 30, 2022 for start from August: CDTM Admission
TUMshop now also in Weihenstephan
On May 02, 2022, the TUMshop will open another shop on the Weihenstephan campus. Students, staff and all fans of TUM are cordially invited to drop by in the new building 4222 at Rang in Vöttinger Str. 40. to drop by. The shop is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00. In addition to office supplies, there are textiles and great gift ideas in the official TUM design. More info: TUMshop
Studying with child/ren events online and in Freising
How do I finance my studies with a child? The staff of the advisory network of the Munich Student Union will provide information on financing options for studying with a child/children. The event will take place online on May 02, 2022, 10:00-11:30. More information and registration: Financing your studies with a child. Counselling meeting "Studying with a child" at the Freising location: The next meeting will take place on May 19, 2022 from 15:00 in the Freising University Community. More information: Studying with child Freising
International internships and multicultural community
IAESTE has been organising international internships for students in their respective fields for over 80 years. You want to meet people from all over the world, become part of a multicultural community and are looking for a change from your studies? Then come to the information evening on May 04, 2022 at 19:30. More info: Info event IAESTE
Mental Health Awareness Week TUM4Mind
During the week of May 9 to 13, 2022 the TUM4Mind team will organize the next digital awareness week. Take part in the interactive workshops in German and English on the topics of mental health, stress management and how to deal well with uncertainties and worries in challenging times. You will find the detailed program at the start of the lecture period by the end of April on Programme TUM4mind. Here you can also register for the workshops. In order to stay up to date you can also sign up for the newsletter: TUM4mind Newsletter
Career Service and Career Days
TUM accompanies you throughout all phases of your career. The Career Service helps you, for example, with the preparation of your application documents and gives you information and tips on how to effectively plan and shape your job search, career entry and career. At the TUM Career Days on May 12, 2022 and June 23, 2022, there will be a whole day dedicated to your career with various offers online and on campus. Registration: TUM Career Days 2022
Final of Think.Make.Start. Batch# 14
On May 20, 2022, the current batch of Think.Make.Start (TMS) will present its results. The start-up support programme takes place twice a year. Participants practice innovative thinking and action and receive free access to prototyping facilities, a budget to purchase materials and support from product and business experts. The presentation of TMS will take place from 14:00 to 16:00, livestream at
PrepDoc 2022: Doctoral Preparation at TUM
The TUM Graduate School invites all TUM Master's students to this year's PrepDoc programme. From May 23 to June 3, 2022, there will be valuable insights into planning a PhD at TUM, such as funding opportunities, finding a supervisor, research strategies and many other topics to consider before starting a PhD at TUM. The programme is free of charge and consists of an introductory event, a panel discussion and various workshops. More information: TUM PrepDoc 2022
Dragon Boat Race 2022: Rowing for the “Master of the Olympic Lake”
On May 27, 2022, students and professors from Munich's two major universities will once again compete in paddling. Any student group, institute, chair or office of the two universities can register a boat. The women's and men's teams will not only compete against each other athletically, but will also present imaginative names and costumes. The race starts at 4 p.m. on Lake Olympia near the Theatron. Direct to registration Dragon Boat Race 2022 Registration. More infos: Dragon Boat Race Munich 2022
Get involved: 10 years of German Diversity Day
Start your own campaign for diversity and tolerance around May 31, 2022 (or during the entire summer semester 2022) and sensitise others to the topic of diversity at TUM! The nationwide Diversity Day takes place annually. The Diversity & Equal Opportunities Office collects all actions and registers them with the Diversity Charter. Feel free to get in touch if you need support or advice. Contact: Aljona Merk, merk. More info. More infos: @zv.tum.deGerman Diversity Day 2022
Extension of time limit and family room
In order to better reconcile studying and childcare, parents studying at TUM can now apply to their responsible examination board for an extension of time limits during their current studies, in addition to a leave of absence. More information: Students with family. Pregnant students or student parents can rest, breastfeed, study or spend time with children in the family rooms of the StudiTUM houses. More info: Family rooms in StudiTUM houses
Combining studies and family
Various information on how to combine studies and family can be found on the TUM Family Service website: Studying at TUM with a family. Get in touch with other (future) student parents via the university-wide WhatsApp group "Studying with a child". You can get the access data from the TUM Family Service: familienservice. Don't miss any more promotions and sign up for the @zv.tum.denewsletter "Studying with a child at TUM".
EU and Sustainability: International Campus Life Workshops
Learn about environmentally friendly entrepreneurship and develop your own sustainable business idea - that's what you can do on May 21 and 22, 2022 Sustainable Entrepreneurship Kickoff-Workshop. Experience EU decision-making processes first-hand, explore negotiating leeway and understand structures at European level on May 28, 2022 at the EU Simulation Zero waste. It is also offered like the Simulation workshop 35 years of Erasmus+ on June 18, 2022 in cooperation with the Centre for Applied Policy Research..
EuroTeQ: Registration for Winter 2022
In the winter semester 2022/23, TUM students can once again take part in EuroTeQ online courses offered by partner universities DTU, TU/e, L'X, Technion, TalTech and CTU, as well as courses offered by TUM itself. Conversely, students of all EuroTeQ partners may attend selected courses at TUM. Registration until noon on June 06, 2022 via MoveON form. More info: Studying virtually within the EuroTeQ network
TUM JazzBand is looking for new musicians
For the summer semester 2022, the band is especially looking for piano, trombones, electric bass, double bass and drums. Requirements: Fun with big band tunes from swing, funk, modern arrangements and ideally experience from other bands/combos. The TUM JazzBand rehearses weekly during the lecture period, always on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in Arcisstraße 21, performs regularly (annual concert, student festivals, TUM events, ...), goes on rehearsal weekends every semester and goes on music trips such as to Edinburgh. Application via Join TUM JazzBand
Research Data Management for Engineering Students
Sustainable research data management requires specific skills and forward planning. The new lecture "Einführung in das Forschungsdatenmanagement für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften" (module ED140003, language: German) offers the ideal introduction to the topic and is recognized with three credit points in various degree programs. Registration & details: Lecture Research Data Management
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