TUM University library
Digital Library Services

- First Level Hotline, Online Consultation Sessions
The library information team is available for you at regular hours from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. by e-mail, phone, WhatsApp, or chat. Online consultation sessions offer you individual support on literature search, search strategies, reference management and citation. Just arrange your individual appointment: Consultations
- Access to digital media
As a TUM member you have access to over 160,000 e-books, 45,000 e-journals and 2,400 databases. You only need to authenticate yourself via eAccess with your TUM ID. For more detailed information on e-media services please visit: E-Books, E-Journals, Databases
- Extended access to e-media: Bibs vs. virus
Due to the corona crisis, many publishers are offering temporary access to their e-books, e-journals and databases. Since these are time-limited access options, you will not find these e-media via the OPAC, but on the page bibs vs. virus. For details go to bibs vs virus
- dokumenTUM – the library’s scan service
For books and printed journals which you cannot check out for loan right now, the University Library is currently expanding its electronic delivery service dokumenTUM. You can order required journal articles and book chapters, the library will scan them for you and will send you the PDF files by e-mail. For more information, please visit dokumenTUM.
- Interlibrary Loan – ordering copies from other libraries
For literature that is not available at the TUM or other local libraries you can use the interlibrary loan service. Order copies of journal articles and book chapters. Due to an agreement with VG Wort, copies will be sent to you directly by e-mail as PDF files. The University Library currently offers this service free of charge. For details go to Interlibrary Loan.
- Recommend literature for purchase
Do you miss specific books in the library collection? Then recommend them for purchase. In the current situation, we are trying to license required titles primarily as e-media and make them available online. Send your suggestions via web form: Recommend a purchase
- Webinars, e-courses, e-tutorials
Although classroom courses are currently not available, you can continue your education in areas such as citation, search strategies, literature procurement and reference management with Citavi or EndNote through the library’s e-learning program. The portfolio includes webinars, e-courses on Moodle, e-tutorials and virtual library tours.
The University Library provides up-to-date information on details and current developments on its website and in the FAQ section.
Further Information:
FAQ section of the University Library
Updates on digital library services at the TUM