Worldwide interest in TUM’s appointment and career system
Tenure track in the media

Reports on the research of the tenure track professors:
- Digital Trends, December 4, 2018:
"Thanks to A.I., there is finally a way to spot ‘deepfake’ face swaps online" (Prof. Matthias Nießner)
- TechChrunch, October 18, 2018:
"There’s now proof that quantum computers can outperform classical machines" (Prof. Robert König)
- Die Welt, September 20, 2018:
"Forscher: Erhöhter Methan-Ausstoß in München zur Wiesn-Zeit" (Prof. Jia Chen)
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 30, 2018:
"Kükenschreddern bald passé? Deutsche Forscher präsentieren Ausweg" (Prof. Benjamin Schusser)
- Forbes, June 21, 2018:
"Researchers Just Printed Sensors Onto Gummi Candies" (Prof. Bernhard Wolfrum)
- Electronica, March 28, 2018:
"Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis: Algorithmen für ,sichere' Fehlervermeidung" (Prof. Antonia Wachter-Zeh)
- Largeur, August 10, 2017:
"Mon collègue est un cobot" (Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer)
- Der Standard, June 20, 2017:
"Gefahren des rasanten Wachstums von Metropolen sichtbar gemacht" (Prof. Xiaoxiang Zhu)
- The Guardian, January 26, 2017:
"Speedy universe expansion challenges Einstein’s theory" (Prof. Sherry Suyu)
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, January 3, 2017:
"Wagt mehr Demokratie!" (Prof. Lisa Herzog)
- United Press International, June 17, 2016:
"Thalidomide benefits, dangers caused by similar mechanism" (Prof. Florian Bassermann)
- Stern, March 16, 2015:
"Schmerz wirkt schon nach Minuten stark auf die Psyche" (Prof. Markus Ploner)
Reports on TUM’s tenure track system:
- Forschung und Lehre, issue 10/2017:
"468 zusätzliche Tenure-Track-Professuren" - Forschung und Lehre, issue 7/2016:
"Chefsache - Berufungskultur an der TU München", Interview mit TUM-Präsident Wolfgang A. Herrmann - Nature, September 2, 2015:
"Turning point: Anja Rammig" - Deutschlandfunk, Campus & Karriere, May 8, 2015:
"Alternative Tenure Track" (3:35 Min.) - Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 6, 2015:
"Ohne Panik Professor werden" - Times Higher Education, January 15, 2015:
"How to give the next generation of scholars a career boost" - Lab Times, issue 6/2014:
"A Brighter Outlook for Top Scientists" - Times of India, June 16, 2014:
"Global openings" - Times Higher Education, May 29, 2014:
"Tenure track positions for postdocs in Germany" - Die Zeit, March 15, 2014:
"Forschung aus fairer Produktion" - Bulletin Electroniques, September 5, 2012:
"Le concept d'avenir 'Tenure Track' de l'Université technique de Munich: de meilleures chances d'évolution pour les jeunes chercheurs" - Der Tagesspiegel, August 17, 2012:
"Geregelter Aufstieg für Nachwuchsforscher" - Die Zeit, August 16, 2012:
"Hoch die Leiter"
This is a selection of the reporting. The availability of the articles may be limited in time.