Not to be missed
The CSD, photos of Europe, and Harald Lesch

This time, the motto of the CSD will be “Bunt ist das neue weiss-blau” (“colorful is the new white-and-blue”). We are still looking for enthusiastic helpers who would like to take a stand for equal rights and against discrimination of any kind. There will be a free T-shirt and free catering as a reward. Participation is only possible with prior registration. The participation fee is € 10 (including T-shirt and drinks). More information:
TUM Entrepreneurship Day
Are you interested in the topic of founding a company? If so, you should visit the TUM Entrepreneurship Day, learn more about the offers of TUM and UnternehmerTUM, and get to know many of the present TUM’s start-ups. You will be able to exchange ideas with founders, network partners, and TUM founding consultants, to get to know innovative projects, and to establish contacts. As a highlight, one of the TUM’s outstanding spin-offs will be awarded with the TUM Presidential Entrepreneurship Award. June 21, 2018, starting at 4 pm, in the foyer of the Audimax; Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Munich. More information: TUM Entrepreneurship Day 2018
Photo contest: Europe on my Mind
Not to be missed: the deadline for submitting your photos to the 2018 Photo Contest of the TUM’s International Center is June 25, 2018. This year’s motto is “Europe on my Mind”. Share your personal experiences with your photos! Show us Europe and its people – the diversity, connectedness, and peculiarities. Each photo has a chance of being published in the International Center’s Photo Calendar 2019. In addition, the twelve winners will be awarded with vouchers for photo and media stores. More information: TUM International Center Photo Competition 2018
Career Days at the WZW and in Garching
At the Career Days, you will have the opportunity to learn more about a wide range of topics related to careers, job applications, and career entries: in Weihenstephan on June 26, 2018, in the central auditorium building, Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 6 and in Garching on July 5, 2018, in the building of the “Exzellenzzentrum”, Boltzmannstraße 17.
Research School for Diabetes
Excellent new talents for the next generation – this is what the new International Helmholtz Research School for Diabetes is all about. The deadline for the first application round is June 29, 2018. Young researchers with an interest in diabetes, endocrinology, molecular biology, (epi-) genetics, epidemiology, and other related fields can apply for a Master’s course. Prerequisites are an excellent command of English and practical laboratory experience. More information: Helmholtz Research School Diabetes
The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization
Munich Colloquium on Technology in Society: On Tuesday, 3 July, Brice Laurent will give a talk on “European Objects. The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization.“ at 5:00 pm, TUM School of Education, Marsstr. 20 - 22, Panorama Deck, Room 607. Laurent’s (Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation de Mines ParisTech) work focuses on the relationships between the making of science and the construction of democratic order. Using an approach based on Science and Technology Studies, his work analyzes the devices that connect research programs, the making of technical objects and the production of various types of publics. More information:
Harald Lesch at TUM
Harald Lesch, probably Bavaria’s most famous scientist, will be visiting TUM. On July 4, 2018, the scientist, television presenter, and “Mitwelt”-activist Harald Lesch will give a lecture in the scope of the lecture series on environmental topics, focusing on the issue of global warming and energy transition – and on the question why we are not doing what we should be doing. The lecture series on environmental topics is organized and carried out by the Environmental Department of the Student Representation. This semester, the motto of the lecture series is “Sustainable University”. More information: TUM AStA Umweltreferat
Room raffle of the Studentenwerk
The Munich Student Union is holding a room raffle until July 15, 2018: for Students who will be starting a course of studies in one of Munich’s universities in the winter semester (Bachelor, Master, etc.) this is an opportunity to find a room (as of October 1, 2018). Exchange students cannot take part. In order to participate in the raffle, you have to fill out a regular application form (online) for a flat of the Studentenwerk München: just follow the link on the website and add the reference “Erstsemester im Wintersemester 2018/19“. More information: Studentenwerk München Room raffle
Help as a mentor
Would you like to help high school graduates or qualified professionals to decide on a course of studies? If so, you can share your study experiences at TUM in the framework of StepInside – mentoring for prospective students. You will be able to strengthen your social and communication skills, take part in a free workshop on communication – and you will receive a certificate of participation at the end. Application deadline is July 15, 2018. More information: TUM Step Inside
Akademie des Schreibens 2018/19
This year’s motto of the student workshop of the Bayerische Akademie des Schreibens is “Nichts kann so erstaunlich sein wie das Leben – außer dem Schreiben” (“There’s nothing as amazing as life – except writing”), and TUM-students can apply for a course (three weekends) in Bamberg, Augsburg, or Bayreuth by writing on the subject “Haben und Sein”. The application deadline is August 3, 2018. Participation in the workshop (including accommodation) is free of charge. Contact: Dr. Fred Slanitz, Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), slanitz. More information: @tum.deAkademie des Schreibens 2018
VDI Prize 2018: the country needs engineers
Engineers from southern Bavaria and Austria can now apply for the VDI-Prize 2018, with separate categories for Bachelor’s theses, Master’s theses, Diploma theses, dissertations, engineering start-ups, and young engineers from the industry. The work has to be outstanding with regard to an innovative solution or be of special economic importance or social relevance. You can apply yourself or suggest someone. Please send the respective documents to the VDI Bezirksverein München until September 13, 2018 – by e-mail: bv-muenchen. More information: @vdi.deVDI Prize 2018