• 10/27/2017

TUM and RWTH Aachen launch multimedia-based course on flood risk management

New MOOC: How to deal with floods

Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and a team at RWTH Aachen have developed a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The course titled „Flood Risk Management“ starts on November 2, 2017. It aims at educating participants on how people and settlements can be protected from floods.

A bench in a flooded area.
Damage caused by natural hazards has increased in recent decades. The new course will teach participants on how to protect people from floods. (image: Mats Silvan / istockphoto.com)

In the last decades, the reported damages to buildings, infrastrucute and agriculture caused by natural hazards increased tremendously. Floods are one of the major causes of these damages. The MMOC “Flood-Management”, designed by scientists from TUM and RWTH Aachen, aims to teach about which concepts exist to protect people and settlements from floods. Focus areas of the course are aspects of flood risk management, forecasting and protection measures. The MOOC mostly deals with floodings in Europe and particularily aims to summarize the tasks needed to implement the EU Floods Directive. This course is for anyone interested in flood risk management. It offers basic chapters as well as possibilities for a deeper view.

Language: Englisch
The course starts Thursday, November 2.
Registration and further information

More information on MOOCs:

With TUM's free, multimedia-based MOOCs, anyone interested can learn more about a wide variety of topics. TUM launched its first MOOC in early 2014 and thus is one of the trailblazers in this field among German universities.

MOOCs produced at TUM are way more than just recordings of lectures. Each one consist of a number of individual units employing various video elements, each lasting only a few minutes. Participants can also solve interactive assignments, access additional learning materials and interact with one another in online forums. At the end of the course they can complete a test in order to earn a certificate. They are hosted by the web services edX and Coursera with several Millions of registered users each.

Technical University of Munich

Corporate Communications Center

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