• 6/10/2013

A lunch break with dogs:

Learning to learn

The university teaching team <link http://www.prolehre.tum.de/learning>"ProLehre Lernkompetenzförderung"</link> can help you to get to know and to optimize your individual learning behavior. It’s all about learning how to learn. For TUM students, all offers are free of charge.

Three students on a blanket
Learning in a group can help: The university teaching team "ProLehre Lernkompetenzförderung" has a lot of useful tips (Photo: Andreas Heddergott)


From one-day-courses to mini-workshops, from preparing your learning material to reworking lectures efficiently – the courses provide everything that a student needs to know about successful learning at a university. Our workshops help you to reflect on your own learning behavior or make use of the learning potential of mind maps in order to avoid learning frustration – and much more. Go and sign up.

Consultation hours on learning

During our consultation-hours, students can pose individual questions and get personal advice or suggestions to suit their individual learning situation – on how to prepare for upcoming learning and exam phases or how to learn from scripts as effectively as possible…  For appointment requests or advice regarding our offers please refer to: lernkompetenzspam prevention@prolehre.tum.de

"Dog hours": A lunch break with animals

In winter semester 2013/2014, there will be four dates for TUM students to spend time with the campus dogs – to stroke them, to play and take them out for a walk. Alongside, you can ask our competence team about helpful tips for successful learning and studying. Just come along!

Contact, further information and registration:
Ellen Taraba, Michael Hellwig, Cornelia Entner & Christina Wekerle
ProLehre, Carl von Linde Academy
Phone (089) 289-25373
lernkompetenzspam prevention@prolehre.tum.de

Technical University of Munich

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