A lunch break with dogs:
Learning to learn
From one-day-courses to mini-workshops, from preparing your learning material to reworking lectures efficiently – the courses provide everything that a student needs to know about successful learning at a university. Our workshops help you to reflect on your own learning behavior or make use of the learning potential of mind maps in order to avoid learning frustration – and much more. Go and sign up.
Consultation hours on learning
During our consultation-hours, students can pose individual questions and get personal advice or suggestions to suit their individual learning situation – on how to prepare for upcoming learning and exam phases or how to learn from scripts as effectively as possible… For appointment requests or advice regarding our offers please refer to: lernkompetenz @prolehre.tum.de
"Dog hours": A lunch break with animals
In winter semester 2013/2014, there will be four dates for TUM students to spend time with the campus dogs – to stroke them, to play and take them out for a walk. Alongside, you can ask our competence team about helpful tips for successful learning and studying. Just come along!
Contact, further information and registration:
Ellen Taraba, Michael Hellwig, Cornelia Entner & Christina Wekerle
ProLehre, Carl von Linde Academy
Phone (089) 289-25373
lernkompetenz @prolehre.tum.de