• 10/4/2013

Times Higher Education-Ranking

TU München in the top 100 worldwide

In the just-published Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013-14 ("THE Rankings"), the Technische Universität München (TUM) stands at 87th place. The university has improved its standing by 18 places in a single year. The nearest competitors among the German technical universities are Aachen (129) and Karlsruhe (154). German universities that placed higher than TUM in this ranking are LMU Munich (55), Göttingen (63), Heidelberg (68), and the FU Berlin in (86). TUM has been ranked the top German university overall three times in a row in the Shanghai Ranking. In the new THE Rankings, TUM has reached 26th place worldwide in the subject area "Engineering and Technology."

TUM's Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the Garching Campus.
Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the Garching Campus. TUM has reached 26th place worldwide in the subject area "Engineering and Technology." (Photo: U. Benz / TUM)

The THE-Ranking is based primarily on the numbers of citations per publication and publications per scientist in international research journals, together with surveys of scientists on the university's reputation in research and teaching. Additional indicators are the university's internationality and its success in winning third-party funding.

Technical University of Munich

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