• 6/10/2013

Learning spaces for students:

StuCafé open for learning

The "StuCafé" next to the Audimax can now also be used as a learning space even after the serving counter has closed. Since July 13, 2013, the café at main campus has new business hours.

Students at the StuCafé
The "StuCafé" at main campus has new business hours. (Photo: Astrid Eckert/Andreas Heddergott)

The StuCafé is now open from 6 am to 9 pm Monday to Friday – and from 8 am to 6 pm on weekends (accessible with a student ID via main campus entrance, Arcisstr. 21).

A new website with "Study Areas on Campus"

Would you like to learn for your next exams in peace and quiet – or find a room to work together with your fellow students? At TUM, there are other learning facilities apart from the university library. A new website provides an overview of all the possibilities: 

Technical University of Munich

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