• 7/11/2011

TUM Spotlight:

The TUM Graduate School – the way to a doctoral degree with foresight

Yellow, red, black and white – the TUM Graduate School building is an eye-catching spectacle on the Garching campus. The TUM Graduate School is also something out of the ordinary: launched in 2009, this concept allows doctoral candidates studying at TUM to acquire valuable additional qualifications to help them up the career ladder.

Building TUM Graduate School
Yellow, red, black and white – the TUM Graduate School building is an eye-catching spectacle on the Garching campus. (Photo: Astrid Eckert)

Academic networking and international experience also play a core role. Apart from their doctorate and outstanding scientific expertise, researchers are nowadays expected to be equipped with useful transferable skills and transnational contacts.

Responsibility in either industry or academia

The TUM Graduate School program answers these requirements and makes its graduates fit to hold responsible positions in either industry or academia by initiating interdisciplinary contacts across the boundaries of TUM's university faculties, special training courses devised specifically for doctoral candidates (such as company start-ups, team leadership, teaching skills) and by actively sponsoring international cooperations.

TUM contributes about 6,000 Euros from its own budget for each doctoral candidate. The doctoral candidates choose the field of advanced study and compile their seminar timetable themselves. Any doctoral candidate at TUM – whether he/she is studying sports sciences, engineering or biology – can become a member of the Graduate School, either individually or – the more usual approach – via one of the 12 Faculty Graduate Centers or 10 Thematic Graduate Centers.

  • Get more information at the TUM Graduate School website www.gs.tum.de or get in contact via email: infospam prevention@gs.tum.de or in person at the TUM Graduate School office in the “Villa Villekulla” on the Garching campus.

Technical University of Munich

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