TUM Extended Board of Management
The TUM Extended Board of Management is based on the principle of the kind of extended executive boards found in industry. It therefore brings together people in leadership roles on the operative level of the university.

Members of this board
Its main role is of a strategic nature and includes the coordination of the aims of TUM’s schools and the preparation of structural plans and university statutes (e.g. doctoral degree requirements).
The TUM Extended Board of Management
- draws up the university's development plan
- puts forward proposals for appointments to the University Council
takes decisions on
- proposals concerning research focus areas and the creation of special research areas, graduate programs and the relevant scientific institutes
- applications concerning the division of TUM into schools
- the main focus of the budget
gives its assent
- to the President's decision regarding conferment of the “TUM Distinguished Affiliated Professor” award
Chair: President of the Technical University of Munich