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Alyssa Gilbert, Director of Innovation at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London, at a discussion.
Reading time: 5 Min.

Global discourse series „One Topic, One Loop“: Alyssa Gilbert

Promoting climate innovation alone is not enough

How can universities integrate sustainability into their infrastructure and daily activities? In the global discourse series “One Topic, One Loop”, we present the perspectives of four universities from four different countries. Alyssa Gilbert, Director of Innovation at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London, answers the question posed by Werner Lang, TUM's Vice President for Sustainable Transformation.

Research Sustainability Community
TUM Vice President Gerhard Kramer congratulates Reverion founder Stephan Herrmann.
Reading time: 4 Min.

TUM Entrepreneurship Day brings together Munich ecosystem

Presidential Award goes to energy start-up

For the development of its high-efficiency power plant, the start-up Reverion has received the TUM Presidential Entrepreneurship Award. In addition to generating electric power with biogas, the plant can also produce hydrogen from surplus energy. Finalists for the award included Planet A Foods, with a sustainable alternative to chocolate, and RobCo, with a robotics system for small and midsized enterprises. The TUM Entrepreneurship Day brought together attendees from the large and diverse Munich innovation ecosystem.

President Entrepreneurship Sustainability Community
Martin Bichler, Professor of Decision Sciences and Systems
Reading time: 4 Min.

Interview with Prof. Martin Bichler on electricity pricing

“Splitting Germany into several price zones on the day-ahead power market might not achieve the intended goals”

The energy transition is a challenge for the power market: Temporal and locational variations in power generation result in relatively large fluctuations in the power supply and power prices. Grid infrastructure providers are increasingly forced to intervene in order to balance supply and demand and avoid power outages. Consequently, the EU Commission is assessing a possible split of the German uniform price zone and the day-ahead market into smaller price zones. Researchers have shown that smaller price zones would have little effects on the power price or re-dispatch measures. By contrast, the use of nodal pricing would reduce overall costs for providing energy by 9 percent.

Research Sustainability
Professor Allister Loder
Reading time: 4 Min.

NewIn: Allister Loder

“We don’t want to get rid of the car”

As a professor of mobility policy, Allister Loder is studying a topic of great current interest – but one that stirs up strong emotions. In the new issue of NewIn, he explains how an engineer ended up working in the social sciences, what Munich could learn from London, and how he plans to learn more about people’s everyday mobility needs.

Studies Research Sustainability Mobility Community
Reading time: 2 Min.

TUM Scientists Develop New Method for Early Detection of Climate Tipping Points

Understanding the Green Sahara’s Collapse

Abrupt shifts within complex systems such as the Earth’s climate system are extremely hard to predict. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have now succeeded in developing a new method to anticipate such tipping points in advance. They successfully tested the reliability of their method using one of the most severe abrupt climate changes of the past: the shift of the once-green Sahara into a desert.

Research Sustainability
Reading time: 2 Min.

TUM Sustainability Day 2024 at the Garching Research Campus

"A grand festival of sustainability"

Sustainability is not a buzzword at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) but a serious mission. With the TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030, the university set itself the goal a year and a half ago of integrating sustainability more deeply into its work and structure and also getting students and employees on board. The TUM Sustainability Day 2024 at the Garching research campus showed that this works.

President Studies Campus news Sustainability Community
Researchers in a laboratory
Reading time: 1 Min.

Impact Rankings released by Times Higher Education

TUM tops global standings in innovation

In the THE University Impact Rankings, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has again taken the top spot in the category industry, innovation, and infrastructure. The rankings measure the contribution of universities to sustainable innovations – through research, spin-offs and industrial partnerships.

TUM in Rankings Research Entrepreneurship Sustainability Community
Prof Werner Lang, photographed on the roof of the Oskar von Miller Forum.
Reading time: 4 Min.

Global discourse series „One Topic, One Loop“: Werner Lang

Getting everyone on board for greater sustainability

How can universities integrate sustainability into their infrastructure and daily activities? In the global discourse series “One Topic, One Loop”, we present the perspectives of four universities from four different countries. Werner Lang, TUM's Vice President for Sustainable Transformation, kicks off the series by sharing his vision of a more sustainable university and the players needed to make it a success.

Research Sustainability Mobility Community
Reading time: 2 Min.

Investor and Formula 1 world champion supports TUM students

Cooperation between TUM and Nico Rosberg

The investor and Formula 1 world champion Nico Rosberg will collaborate with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in the future. With his foundation Rosberg Philanthropies, he will support the TUM University Foundation as a sponsor, has announced a Student Challenge as part of the TUM Sustainability Day on 12 June in Garching, and will appear as a speaker at the TUM Speakers Series.

President Sustainability Community
Reading time: 1 Min.

Winners of the international competition for young researchers have been announced

EuroTech Future Award 2024 for research into Parkinson's disease

New approaches to treating Parkinson's disease and venomous snake bites as well as nanocoatings with applications in areas as diverse as hydrogen production, wastewater treatment, and the healthcare sector: For the second time, the six EuroTech universities have presented the EuroTech Future Award to three promising young researchers for their contributions to a more sustainable future. They were honored at a ceremony in Brussels.

Research Sustainability Community


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