QS Best Student Cities Ranking for studying abroad
Munich rated fourth-best university city in the world

To compile its rankings, the British university service provider QS asks students about their experiences and expectations and asks companies for their opinions on graduates. The rankings reflect employment levels among young people, tuition fees and the cost of living, openness of the universities to international students and the number of students as a percentage of the local population. In addition, they incorporate international indices for such criteria as inclusiveness, safety, environmental quality and other aspects of the quality of life.
In the new edition of the QS Best Student Cities Ranking, Munich ranks fourth in the world. Other top 10 cities are London, Tokyo, Seoul, Melbourne, Sydney, Paris, Zurich, Berlin and Montreal.
The latest “World’s 10 friendliest university cities” rankings, released by educational service provider Immerse Education, also confirms Munich’s excellence as a place to study, with a number six ranking. Here, too, a number of quality of life indicators are incorporated, including the number of museums, the quality of green spaces and the number of restaurants, cafés and pubs. Alongside Zurich, Munich is one of just two cities to place in the top 10 in both rankings.
Technical University of Munich
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