Discussion and exchange
Lecture: Rainforest and domestic forestry
Event location
Lindenkeller, Freising
Public event
Thomas Knoke
Come to the lecture by Prof Thomas Knoke, Professor of Forest Inventory and Sustainable Use at TUM – and join the discussion! As part of the TUM@Freising series, he will be talking about the connection between tropical rainforests and domestic forestry.
Prior registration is not necessary.
Event series TUM@Freising
Science explained to everyone: Meet researchers from the TUM School of Life Sciences in person and find out what they are working on. A subsequent discussion after each lecture is expressly encouraged, because science thrives on the exchange of opinions.
The aim of the event is to bring people together - citizens can get to know the people at "their" TUM better and, at the same time, further their education, while science receives valuable impulses for its research work through direct feedback from the public. In this way, the close cooperation between the city of Freising and the TUM Weihenstephan campus, which has existed for many years, now also becomes tangible in the city and region.
Further information
- Information and recordings: Lecture Series TUM@Freising
- Contact: vortragsreihe.freising@ls.tum.de
How to find us
- Location: Lindenkeller Freising, Veitsmüllerweg 2, 85354 Freising