Technologist Magazine #13 now available
Robots vs jobs – the new social contract

Research from Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Technologist No. 13
Cover story “Robots vs jobs”
- Cobots – our new partners at work: Collaborative robots (“cobots”) are designed to work alongside people, performing tasks that assist them – and vice versa. Sebastian Pfotenhauer, an innovation research professor at TUM, explains what this new relationship means for both sides.
- Team players: Dirk Wollherr of our Department of Automatic and Control Engineering explains the challenge of getting robots to interact and to learn from each other.
- Tackling the gender gap: Interview with Sarah de Rijcke, a researcher at Leiden University and Anna Boyksen Fellow at our Institute for Advanced Study, about initiatives that promote diversity at technical universities.
- Fresh from the labs: Airing out for allergies: Researchers of our chair of Ecoclimatology took a closer look at how airing and ventilation strategies affect pollen concentration inside office rooms.
- “Engineers are problem solvers”: Dirk Busch, director of TUM’s Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, describes how engineers and physicians work together in the field of cell and tissue engineering.
Technologist follows up on TUM related start-ups Lilium Aviation, ATR Elements, eGym, and Drawik.
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About Technologist
The Technologist magazine and website are initiatives of the EuroTech Universities Alliance, a strategic partnership of four leading European universities of science and technology: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) and TUM.