Refund of Semester Fees and Tuition Fees

When can semester fees and tuition fees be refunded?

Paid semester fees and tuition fees can only be refunded if the following conditions of the Contribution statutes of the Munich Student Union and the the University Tuition Fees and Charges Statutes are met:

  • Dual enrollment/Parallel studies: If you have paid dues twice at two universities, the refund can be made by the university at which you are not required to pay dues.
  • Disenrollment:
    • Disenrollment at the end of a semester and fees already paid for the following semester:
      A refund is only possible if the student ID is invalidated by the university no later than two weeks after the start of the semester. Therefore, please return the student ID card to us in good time or cancel the card in a validation machine in due time, right after disenrollment.
    • Disenrollment after the start of the semester, which becomes effective within 5 weeks after the start of lectures:
      For this purpose, please submit an application for day-specific disenrollment, the application can be found on TUMonline. For further information, please also refer to Waiving a Place of Study.
      A refund is only possible if the student ID is invalidated by the university on the day of disenrollment. You should therefore return it to us in good time or send the card on the day of disenrollment at the latest via registered mail to: TUM CST Beiträge und Stipendien, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München

The refund application can be downloaded from TUMonline under Semester Fees.

When can fees no longer be refunded?

  • If you are enrolled longer than five weeks after the start of lectures, you will not be entitled to a refund.
  • If your validated Student Card is not returned on time, the fees will not be refunded.
Please note

If, at the end of your studies, you take an examination that is allocated to the previous semester within the first week of the lecture period and you do not intend to take any courses, you do not have to re-enroll. This also applies to oral exams that are part of the mandatory examinations stipulated in the academic and examination regulations.

An exception is in relation to the submission of your thesis. In this case, you must be enrolled as a student.

For the specific regulations, please refer to §14 of the General Academic and Examination Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's Programs at the Techical University of Munich.

How do I apply for a refund?

  • Return your Student Card either in person to the Service Desk at the main campus or de-validate it in a validation machine after disenrollment. Alternatively, you can send the card to us by registered mail on the day of disenrollment: TUM CST Fees and Scholarships, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Munich. Please note the above deadlines for the return of the Student Card.
  • Fill out the application for refund, which you can find in your TUMonline account under the menu item “Tuition Fees” and send it via e-mail to beitragsmanagementspam

Contact Semester Fees Management

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Fees and Scholarships

Office hours:

Thursday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Room 0198

Tel. +49 89 289 –28066

Refund of tuition fees for international students from third countries

Students who have transferred tuition fees for international students from third countries will receive a refund if they disenroll within five weeks of the start of lectures. Unfortunately, a refund is not possible if they disenroll later.

If they have already paid the tuition fees and then get awarded a waiver scholarship, the tuition fee will be reimbursed for the semester in which the waiver scholarship becomes effective.

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