6 Nov 2023

Planning neighborhoods in a climate-sensitive way

Closing conference "Green City of the Future II"

  • Monday, 11/6/2023
  • 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Event location

Target audience
specialist audience, journalists

What are the benefits of different forms of building and neighborhood greening? How can urban society be actively involved in the development of green and climate resilient neighborhoods? How can climate resilience be concretely integrated into planning and management processes, especially in urban planning and landscape design competitions? What is the role of the various actors in planning and what alternative processes are available? These questions are to be clarified in the course of the final event of the research project "Green city of the future II".

With practical examples, the researchers will show how municipal agencies and independent planning offices can best proceed in order to preserve and improve urban green spaces. Building on transdisciplinary research, primarily in Munich, we provide recommendations for climate-adapted green design - from the individual building to the neighborhood level.

  • 13:00 / Welcome and introduction
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Lang (Technical University of Munich)
    • Prof. Dr. Simone Linke (Technical University of Munich / Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences Triesdorf)
    • Dr. Birgit Kuna (German Aerospace Center, Project Management Agency)
    • Johannes Rupp (Institute for Ecological Economy Research)
  • 13:30 / Practical insight Munich: Climate adaptation in a growing city
    • Christine Kugler (Climate and Environmental Protection Officer, City of Munich)
    • Prof. Dr. (Univ. Florenz) Elisabeth Merk (Consultant for Urban Planning and Building Regulations, City of Munich)
  • 14:00 / Good Practices for Planning Green, Climate-Resilient Neighborhoods
    • Amelie Bauer and Sophie Duschinger (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich)
    • Johannes Rupp, Malte Welling and Dr. Carla Young (Institute for Ecological Economy Research)
  • 15:00 / Break
  • 15:30 / Integration of climate adaptation measures in planning competitions
    • Dr. Teresa Zölch and Kira Rehfeldt (Department for Climate and Environmental Protection, City of Munich)
    • Eva-Maria Moseler (Department for Urban Planning and Building Regulations, City of Munich)
    • Sandra Feder (Technical University of Munich)
  • 16:30 / Impulses for the Green City of the Future
    • Ina Laux (architect and urban planner): "Cooperative planning".
    • Hans-Georg Kleinmann (Verkehrsclub Deutschland): "Mobility rethought: Stellwerk60"
  • 17:00 / Practical check: from research to implementation
    • Panel discussion with:
      • Andrea Gebhard (President of the Federal Chamber of Architects)
      • Irene Burkhardt (Association of German Landscape Architects)
      • Ina Laux (architect and urban planner)
      • Hans-Georg Kleinmann (German Transport Club)
    • Moderation: Prof. Dr. Simone Linke (Technical University of Munich / Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences Triesdorf)
  • 17:50 / Conclusion and Farewell
Further information
Event overview