TUM Speaker's Corner
How to prepare presentations professionally
In the new "Funktionsraum" of the Branch Library Main Campus, you can record presentations with two cameras and save them on SD cards (your own ones or borrowed ones) in order to analyze your body language, speech rate, and style of presentation.
Six seats for your audience
You can either watch the video there, on a big screen, or at home on your own computer. The available media technology – such as a touch display, a visualizer, and various microphones – allows you to practice handling the equipment.
Would you like to get feedback from your fellow students? If so, why not invite them to your exercise session! The TUM Speaker's Corner has six seats for your audience.
TUM students can reserve a slot at Speaker's Corner – at least 24 hours in advance – at the circulation desk of the Branch Library Main Campus. Further information on the available equipment and the opening hours of TUM Speaker's Corner: TUM Speaker’s Corner