• 5/3/2017

Academicus 2017:

Making ideas visible

In 2017, the motto of the TUM’s ideas competition “Academicus” is “Making ideas visible”. It could be worthwhile to join in, as the best ideas are rewarded with 500,- €.

Any inspiring ideas how TUM could become even better? If so, join the Academicus competition 2017! (Photo: iStock/muchomor)
Any inspiring ideas how TUM could become even better? If so, join the Academicus competition 2017! (Photo: iStock/muchomor)

The Academicus ideas competition is an opportunity for everyone at TUM to help shape the university. All kinds of ideas are welcome – from bicycle stands to innovative approaches in teaching or to new methods of digital science communication.

Whether you are a TUM student, a researcher, a lecturer or an alumnus or alumna – use your opportunity to get involved! The Academicus competition is a means to introduce your idea to the university and a platform to make it visible to all members of TUM.

A jury will decide on the most promising concepts, and the winners of the Academicus will be honored on the traditional academic day, the Dies academicus, in December. The prize is endowed with 500,- €.

What kinds of ideas are we looking for?

There are no limits to your creativity. Every idea – whether it’s technical, social, or creative – is welcome. The winners are chosen based on the questions which ideas follow the most innovative approach while at the same time being implementable and beneficial for as many members of TUM as possible.
The winners of the previous years are listed at www.tum.de/en/studies/during-your-studies/academicus/.

How are the winners selected?

We will collect your ideas and suggestions until July 31, 2017. Then, we will discuss the concepts and their possible implementation with the various departments of TUM. Finally, a jury will decide on the most promising concepts. The winners will be informed in November and honored in the course of the Dies academicus.

You’re a part of TUM – help shape it!

Please send your ideas and suggestions to ideenwettbewerb@zv.tum.de until July 31, 2017.

More information:
Academicus - Making Ideas visible

Technical University of Munich

Corporate Communications Center

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