• 4/19/2016

Carl von Linde-Akademie:

Summer Program: Science, Technology and Society

This semester, the Carl von Linde Akademie is once again offering around 100 exciting workshops and seminars – for example on how to produce scientific videos yourself, on developing an midset, or an introduction to the world of patent law...

A team will help you get along: The Carl von Linde Akademie offers about 100 workshops during the summer semester. (Photo: Andreas Heddergott)
A team will help you get along: The Carl von Linde Akademie offers about 100 workshops during the summer semester. (Photo: Andreas Heddergott)

The offers are recognized as interdisciplinary modules in many of the degree programs. In addition to classics such as “Verhandlungsführung” or “Kommunikationen und Präsentation”, the academy also offers various new courses.

Thus, the course “Richard Strauss: Leben und Werk” will not only introduce you to the famous composer and his works – you will also get to see the opera “Elektra” at the Bayerische Staatsoper.

Open to all TUM students - Registration via TUMonline

Are you interested in interrelationships between science, technology, and society? Workshops such as “Organisation - Technik - Gesellschaft” or “Geschlecht in Wissenschaft & Technik” address these issues and focus on determining their impact on our daily lives.

The offers of the Carl von Linde Akademie are open to all TUM students. Registration is possible as of now, via TUMonline.

More information:
Carl von Linde-Akademie Courses

Technical University of Munich

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