SPORTDiscus and “Bilddatenbank Anatomie”:
Two new databases for sports scientists
SPORTDiscus is operated by the Sports Information Centre in Ottawa, Canada, primarily focusing on Anglo-American journals and monographs that date back to the 1800s.
Anatomic and radiologic images
Also new: Access to the “Bilddatenbank Anatomie”, the database version of the anatomy atlas “Prometheus” (publisher: Thieme). It contains over 2000 anatomic and radiographic images. They can be exported as images, PowerPoint or PDF files. All functions are accessible with a personal account and the browser plugin Silverlight.
Free access via DBIS
Access is free – via the Database Information System (DBIS) of the University Library. Detailed usage information can be found on the website of the University Library: Access to Databases via DBIS.
For questions concerning the range of electronic media offered by the University Library, feel free to contact the team that is responsible for journals & electronic media: support.emedien