• 12/4/2014

SPORTDiscus and “Bilddatenbank Anatomie”:

Two new databases for sports scientists

The bibliographic database SPORTDiscus, which the University Library offers since the beginning of the year, contains 1.3 million data entries and references to more than 22,000 dissertations. It lists the topics sports and fitness as well as related topics such as sports law, health, nutrition and tourism.

The anatomy-atlas “PROMETHEUS” as a database: It can be accessed via the TUM’s University Library. (Photo: Sebastian Kaulitzki/Fotolia.com)
The anatomy-atlas “PROMETHEUS” as a database: It can be accessed via the TUM’s University Library. (Photo: Sebastian Kaulitzki/Fotolia.com)

SPORTDiscus is operated by the Sports Information Centre in Ottawa, Canada, primarily focusing on Anglo-American journals and monographs that date back to the 1800s.

Anatomic and radiologic images

Also new: Access to the “Bilddatenbank Anatomie”, the database version of the anatomy atlas “Prometheus” (publisher: Thieme). It contains over 2000 anatomic and radiographic images. They can be exported as images, PowerPoint or PDF files. All functions are accessible with a personal account and the browser plugin Silverlight.

Free access via DBIS

Access is free – via the Database Information System (DBIS) of the University Library. Detailed usage information can be found on the website of the University Library: Access to Databases via DBIS.

For questions concerning the range of electronic media offered by the University Library, feel free to contact the team that is responsible for journals & electronic media: support.emedienspam prevention@ub.tum.de

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