• 12/4/2014

Part-time master’s programs:

New programs as of summer semester 2015

Part-time master’s degree programs were introduced at TUM in summer semester 2014.

High flexibility: the TUM's part-time courses offer the possibility to switch between different hour-configurations. (Photo: Simon Thon/photocase)

These programs enable students to pursue an advanced degree at a different pace, devoting half or two-thirds of the standard weekly hours of study for full-time programs. The number of required credits per semester and the standard duration of study are adjusted accordingly.

Part-time study programs are exceptionally flexible: If students’ circumstances change, they can choose to attend 50 percent, 66 percent and full-time. 

The new part-time model has been successfully tested in the “Electrical Engineering and Information Technology” and “Informatics” programs and, as of summer semester 2015, will be available for the "Landscape Architecture" and "Mathematics" master’s degree programs. The "Environmental Planning and Engineering Ecology" part-time program will be reliably introduced. More programs are to be introduced regularly.

More information:
Flexible part-time degree programs

Technical University of Munich

Corporate Communications Center

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