• 6/10/2013

Eduroam Wi-Fi:

Android devices rely on Google to store sensitive data

Smart phones and tablet PCs have become an integral part of everyday life. Within the university surroundings, it is especially convenient to be able to use the wireless Eduroam-Network. But caution is required here: If the function "backup my data" is activated, Android devices will pass on your TUM-ID and your password to Google.

Three students with smartphone
A warning for Android-users: When activated, the "backup my data"-function transfers your TUM-ID and password to Google. (Photo: Andreas Heddergott)

Your data will be stored without adequate security measures, so that they are readable for Google. This is a violation of both the password policy of the LRZ and the TUM’s IT user policy, as both prohibit the disclosure of data to third parties, also in computerized form. Therefore, we recommend disabling the "backup my data"-function on Android devices.

Technical University of Munich

Corporate Communications Center

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