Artificial Intelligence (AI)

At TUM, we are investigating and developing intelligent systems, while keeping an eye on our responsibility for people and society at all times. Find out what's new in the fields of AI, robotics, machine learning and data science.

Artificial Intelligence

AI applications are profoundly changing the world of work, research and everyday life. We are helping to shape this technological progress: in research, in studies and teaching and in the field of entrepreneurship. This includes new methods and applications of AI, subject-specific degree programs, new teaching and learning methods and cooperation with industry.

AI at the TUM

Dr. Sarah Rachut, managing director of the TUM Center for Digital Public Services
Reading time: 2 Min.

TUM researcher receives award for interdisciplinary legal research

"Legal regulation as a factor in shaping the digital transformation"

Traditionally a subject of study in law departments, legal topics are becoming an increasingly focus of interdisciplinary activities at technical universities – especially in the context of shaping the digital transformation. This is the starting point for the research of Dr. Sarah Rachut, managing director of the TUM Center for Digital Public Services. She combines the legal aspects with technological and societal perspectives in pursuit of the goal of digitization processes that serve the common good. For her outstanding achievements, Sarah Rachut has now been honored as one of Germany’s best young scientists by the ZEIT Verlag publishing group and Academics, a careers portal for talented graduates and academics.

Research Artificial Intelligence Community
Group photo of the five founders of Sebastian Maier, Anton Wyrowski, Michel Schimpf, Robin Frasch and Roman Mayr, standing in a prestigious room in front of golden columns and paintings on the walls
Reading time: 3 Min. A student-created AI tool supports voting decisions

Technology for Democracy

With only a few days to go until the Bundestag elections, it’s high time to determine who to vote for. Which party shares my values? Who pursues which policy goals? But also: How realistic is their implementation, and what consequences would it have? With, five students from TUM, LMU, and the University of Cambridge have created an AI-based online tool that can provide well-founded answers to such complex questions – and thus strengthen democratic participation.

Studies Artificial Intelligence Community Public Engagement

Podcast "We Are TUM"

How we use and shape AI

In this episode of "We Are TUM", we talk to CIO Alexander Braun about our university's new AI strategy. We also take a look at the current state of using artificial intelligence in research and teaching with Prof. Alena Buyx and Ben Lenk-Ostendorf.

Teaching Studies Research Artificial Intelligence Community
Reading time: 3 Min.

Artificial intelligence in university development

TUM issues a comprehensive AI strategy

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a far-reaching strategy for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in research, teaching, and administration. The TUM AI Strategy defines the framework for the responsible implementation and use of AI technologies in all dimensions of the university.

President Teaching Studies Research Campus news Artificial Intelligence Community
Over 200 students from different backgrounds are to be trained in the field of cyber security.
Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM launches new program with support from Google

More cybersecurity specialists in Germany

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is launching a new Cybersecurity Program which will offer over 200 students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to learn more about the field of cybersecurity. Through the program, the students will also get an understanding of how the cybersecurity skills they learn in the classroom can be applied in real-life situations to help defend local organisations at risk from cyberattacks. To realise these goals, TUM is receiving up to 1 million US dollars in support from - as the only German university.

Teaching Studies Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning methods are applied to process enormous quantities of data.
Reading time: 3 Min.

Artificial intelligence in biomedicine

A key to analyzing millions of individual cells

Our bodies are made up of around 75 billion cells. But what function does each individual cell perform and how greatly do a healthy person’s cells differ from those of someone with a disease? To draw conclusions, enormous quantities of data must be analyzed and interpreted. For this purpose, machine learning methods are applied. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Helmholtz Munich have now tested self-supervised learning as a promising approach for testing 20 million cells or more.

Research Artificial Intelligence
Reading time: 4 Min.

NewIn: Orestis Papakyriakopoulos

The way to fair digital technologies

As Professor of Societal Computing, Orestis Papakyriakopoulos studies how algorithms and AI models can be made less discriminatory. In this issue of NewIn, he talks about why his work has to move quickly, why he is optimistic that digital technologies will become more inclusive and what role the TUM Think Tank will play.

Studies Research Sustainability Artificial Intelligence Community
Reading time: 3 Min.

Educational technologies

Learning better with artificial intelligence

Elementary school students experience lessons with robots and AI tools at the TUM Center for Educational Technologies.

TUM Magazine Artificial Intelligence Public Engagement
Angela Dai, Professor of 3D Artificial Intelligence
Reading time: 2 Min.

8,000 open source models for sustainable mobility

More efficient car designs with AI

Designing new cars is expensive and time consuming. As a result, manufacturers tend to make only minor changes from one model generation to the next. With DriverAerNet++, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have now developed the largest open-source database for aerodynamic car design. More than 8000 models representing the most common vehicle types will make it possible to create more efficient designs with the aid of artificial intelligence. The goal is to make development processes more cost-effective while improving fuel efficiency and making advances in electric vehicles.

Research Sustainability Mobility Artificial Intelligence
A student working on the mass spectrometer
Reading time: 1 Min.

Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences

Why AI models often fail in practice

Artificial intelligence (AI) based on machine learning offers opportunities for the life sciences. However, problems often arise in practice. One cause is data leakage, the illicit spillover of information from the training to the test data. Researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT), and other research institutions are now advocating for more interdisciplinary collaboration in a new guideline. In this interview, Dominik Grimm, Professor of Bioinformatics, and Markus List, Professor of Data Science in Systems Biology, explain why it is crucial to address this issue now.

Research Artificial Intelligence
Technical University of Munich

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