Application to a higher subject semester (Fachsemester)

If you have already completed relevant courses at a different university or in another course of study, you can apply to a higher subject semester (Fachsemester). To do this, you need a credit transfer report.

In any case, be sure to contact your departmental student academic advisor before applying to a higher subject semester (Fachsemester). You can find the respective contact person in the search field at the bottom of this page.

The recognition process depends on your previous course of study:

If you apply for a degree program at TUM and have already completed courses in an identical or related program, your previous study periods will be officially recognized and you will be enrolled in the corresponding semester at TUM. After enrolling, it is mandatory for you to apply for the recognition of your previously earned credits at your department.

If you apply for a degree program at TUM and have already completed courses in another, non-related program, you can make an application to have these courses recognized. If courses or previously earned credits are recognized to a certain amount, you will be placed in a higher subject semester (Fachsemester) of the degree program at TUM.

Please note:

Be sure to check the rules concerning progress monitoring in the General Academic and Examination Regulations and the Academic and Examination Regulations of the desired degree program.

These define the amount of credits you have to have acquired at the end of a certain subject semester (Fachsemester). If these thresholds are not met, final failure of the program may be the consequence. Therefore, we strongly recommend you contact the departmental student academic advisor before applying to a higher subject semester (Fachsemester). You can find the respective contact person in the search field in the right margin column on this page.

Application for Credit Transfer Report

Required for the downstream process

Credit Transfer Report

For the upstream process

Departmental Student Advising

Student Advising and Information Services

 +49 89 289 22245

Please observe the e-mail etiquette.

Personal advising sessions with General Student Advising by appointment

Service Desk

 Campus Munich, Arcisstraße 21, Room 0144, 80333 München

Monday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Tuesday, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Student Information only)
Wednesday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.