Tips for finding accommodation

This page provides tips & tricks – and useful links – to help you in your search for accommodation in and around Munich. Learn which parts of Munich are best for your budget and how much you can expect to pay for travel. And we can help you work out what an average student spends a month in Munich.

5 tips for accomodation hunting

  • Start in good time: Nearly all freshers start looking for accommodation at the beginning of the winter semester, i.e. October and November. This may be too late – other students will already have taken many of the flats.Semester dates
  • Read advertisements carefully: It is important to understand the abbreviations used in classified ads to avoid any unwelcome surprises! Bilingual Glossary
  • Be quick to respond: Ring straight away when you see a new ad - such as in the TUM housing online exchange
  • Make a good impression when you view a flat: Bring guarantees/references, proof of income and perhaps even your CV. It is important that the landlord trusts you.
  • Look further afield: Rents on the outskirts of Munich are often two euro per square meter cheaper than in the city center, i.e. in the vicinity of the university. Distance is not an issue, however, thanks to Munich’s excellent transport network. Residential areas in Munich

Rent & travel costs

Student life

Living expenses for students: Rent, groceries, books and more. You can find current and reliable figures in the Munich Student Union's social survey. [German]

Residential areas in Munich

Where is the cheapest area to live? And which parts of Munich have the highest rents? The City of Munich provides a color-coded map of residential areas (in German).


Even cheaper for students: The ticket is only offered on a subscription basis and costs 38 euros per month for students in Bavaria. It allows the use of local transport throughout Germany.

Rent vs travel cost

Town mouse or country mouse? This MVV calculator can help work out how much you’ll have to pay in rent and travel costs (is not based on a semester ticket). Rent and travel cost calculator (in German)

More info for finding a place
Your contact persons for finding accommodation

Do you have questions about finding accommodation or about our support services? Here you will find your contact persons.