Digitalization, AI and Quantum technologies

We develop secure digital technologies that make our everyday and working lives easier and make us safer. Our goal is to find solutions to the questions of the digital transformation and drive that change forward.

GARMI, a robot assistant for the elderly, together with an employee of Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence.

How can we teach robots to respond to their environment without ever posing a threat? How can manufacturing become fully automated whilst remaining safe and reliable? How do we ensure that sensitive data, such as medical data, does not fall into the wrong hands? And how can quantum technologies be used to improve computers or communication and sensor systems, for example?

We perform basic research into the mathematical, statistical, computational and algorithmic foundations of data sciences and machine learning. We connect this knowledge with innovative applications in fields like robotics to develop industrial operating and production processes, healthcare robots, computer imaging, bioinformatics and remote sensing.

Artificial Intelligence

AI applications are already changing the world of work, research and everyday life. We are helping to shape this technological progress: Our researchers are developing new methods and applications of AI across disciplines. Ethical and social issues always play an important role in this.


Quantum technologies

Quantum technologies will profoundly change our everyday lives in the coming decades. Our university is conducting cutting-edge research in this field and developing the underlying basic technologies. At the same time, we train highly qualified young scientists who will be able to accompany the change in the future.

Quantum at TUM

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