Digitalization, AI and Quantum technologies
We develop secure digital technologies that make our everyday and working lives easier and make us safer. Our goal is to find solutions to the questions of the digital transformation and drive that change forward.

How can we teach robots to respond to their environment without ever posing a threat? How can manufacturing become fully automated whilst remaining safe and reliable? How do we ensure that sensitive data, such as medical data, does not fall into the wrong hands? And how can quantum technologies be used to improve computers or communication and sensor systems, for example?
We perform basic research into the mathematical, statistical, computational and algorithmic foundations of data sciences and machine learning. We connect this knowledge with innovative applications in fields like robotics to develop industrial operating and production processes, healthcare robots, computer imaging, bioinformatics and remote sensing.
- TUM School of Engineering and Design
- TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
- Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
- Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI)
- Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI)
- Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML)
- Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
- Center for Digital Medicine and Health (ZDMG), under development
- TUM Center for Embodied Laboratory Intelligence (TUM ELI), under development
- TUM Center for QuantumEngineering (opening planned for 2025)
- Munich Quantum Valley
- Munich Quantum Center
You will find a selection of important current research projects here:
- FDS, ERC Starting Grant, Prof. Dr. Jana Giceva
- Deep4MI, ERC Advanced Grant, Prof. Dr. Daniel Rückert
- STROLL, ERC Advanced Grant, Prof. Dr. Gordon Cheng
- alignAI (Prof. Dr. Christoph Lütge)
- ALICIA (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Daub)
- DIGIFOREST (Prof. Dr. Stefan Leutenegger)
- Center for Responsible AI Technologies (CReAITech), in German only
- „DIFUTURE”, research consortium in the Medical Informatics Initiative of the German Ministry of Education and Research
- TUM Innovation Network „ARTEMIS“
- TUM Innovation Network „RISE“
- TUM Innovation Network „eXprt“
- TUM Innovation Network „CoConstruct“
- TUM Innovation Network „ReTruSt“
- Overview of research projects at TUM
You will find a selection of degree programs offered by TUM in the field of "digitization” here:
- Bachelor Bioinformatics
- Bachelor Electronics and Data Engineering
- Bachelor Informatics
- Bachelor Information Engineering
- Bachelor Management and Data Science
- Master Bioinformatics
- Master Computational Mechanics
- Master Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Master Data Engineering and Analytics
- Master Finance and Information Management
- Master Informatics
- Master Information Engineering
- Master Information Systems
- Master Mechatronics, Robotics and Biomechanical Engineering
- Master Medical Engineering and Assistance Systems
- Master Microelectronics and Chip Design (starts WS 25/26)
- Master Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence
- Master Software Engineering
You will find a selection of courses on “digitalization” offered by the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning here
- Certificate Program: Applied AI for technical innovation
- Certificate Program: Artificial Intelligence in Production Engineering
- Certificate Program: Business Processes & Technology
- Certificate Program: Data Science
- Certificate Program: Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship
- Certificate Program: Digitalisation in Aaeronautics and Space
- Certificate Program: Mastering Digital Transformation (TUM Campus Heilbronn)
- Certificate Program: IT Security and Privacy Management
- MOOC: Digitalisation in Aaeronautics and Space
- MOOC: iLabX – The Internet Masterclass
- Certificate Program: Realizing Biotech Innovation - A Business Guide for Scientists
- Project QL3: Quantum LifeLong Learning