Take part in the virtual "TUM VALUES" exhibition
What are the values of our university?

26 video interviews and 130 clips have been created. You can now see them in an online exhibition. All of the videos can be seen in the online exhibition. The clips were recorded in different languages. They all have English subtitles. The project has not been completed yet. You can become a part of it at any time.
Diversity of personalities at TUM
TUM VALUES is a campaign by the TUM Gender Equality Officer. The campaign aims to promote value-oriented discourse at TUM while raising the profile of value-based activity in the TUM community. It is based on video interviews featuring the following four questions:
- What matters most to you?
- What makes you happy?
- What do you want to achieve with your studies / your work / your research / your teaching?
- Which female scientists or women in general have inspired you?
TUM Gender Equality Officer Dr. Eva Sandmann: “I’d like to thank everyone who answered our interview questions with openness, with a heart, and in a spirit of self-reflection! Values in particular require frequent reflection to help us gain our own understanding of where our actions are rooted."
She adds: "Of course people live their values in various ways. We should respect this and be prepared to adopt different viewpoints. TUM is a diverse place but there is still so much that we have in common.”
Become part of the campaign
Do you want to join the campaign? Due to the current situation, we cannot record video interviews. However, you can submit your own video. Or write answers to the four questions and tell us about the value that means the most to you personally and how it has impacted your choice of profession, your decisions or your life goals.
You can also attach a photo if you wish. With your consent, we will post your content on the campaign website.
Contacts to this article:
Aljona Merk
Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit
merk @zv.tum.de