• 4/19/2024
  • Reading time 2 min.

Successful information event at Galileo on TUM Campus Garching

First Welcome Day for academic support staff

Around 140 new TUM employees who have joined the university since the beginning of last winter semester participated in the first "Welcome Day for Academic Support Staff". University President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann and Head of Administration Chancellor Albert Berger welcomed the new colleagues to the TUM family, organized by the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning. In addition, dedicated colleagues from central units of the university provided information about their tasks and valuable offers for employees.

New employees make their first contacts at the Welcome Day

President Thomas F. Hofmann presented current developments at TUM to the participants and explained the university's self-image as an entrepreneurial university: "Diversity and active appreciation within our university community is a basic prerequisite for the further development of excellence at TUM. This applies to both the scientific and the science-supporting areas of our university. And it also means that science and administration will no longer have to think and act in separate halves of the brain in the future but rather closely together as "one TUM". All of this requires getting to know each other and having a more intensive exchange within our TUM family. Only with an improved mutual understanding of our employees' expectations, needs, and perspectives will we be able to further increase our effectiveness as a top university. With the Welcome Day for academic support staff, we have taken another step in this direction today."

Chancellor Albert Berger explained the organization and structure of TUM. He used various projects to show that the academic support staff, in particular, have brought about dimensional improvements for research and teaching: "Successful science needs a powerful administration. Only if the engine room works, i.e., a stable financial organization is ensured, personnel support is managed efficiently and in line with internal requirements, and premises and equipment can be used as needed, excellent research and education at a top international level is possible. The employees present in their diverse areas of work are indispensable for accomplishing these critical tasks."

Executive Vice President Prof. Claudia Peus, Head of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning, presented TUM's diverse continuing education and qualification measures for employees: "As a university, we are a place of learning and new beginnings. This applies not only to our 52,500 knowledge-hungry students but also to our approximately 11,000 employees. We want to encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities and offers for personal development. From language courses and part-time certificate programs to stays abroad at other universities worldwide, the choice is huge."

TUM in numbers:

  • 7 schools
  • 178 degree programs
  • 52,500 students, 36% female, 45% international
  • 15,000 first semester students
  • Over 650 professors
  • 7800 academic staff (excluding the TUM University Hospital)
  • 3500 research support staff (excluding the TUM University Hospital)
  • 18 Nobel Prize winners
  • 10 Humboldt Professors
  • 24 Leibniz award winners
  • 212 ERC Grants

Technical University of Munich

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