Not to be missed
Deadlines, dates, service

The interdisciplinary lecture series is open to the public and kicks off on April 14, 2021, with Prof. Percy Knolle, Director of the Institutes of Molecular Immunology and Experimental Oncology. The online lectures will be accessible via livestream on YouTube, and the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions via a chat. More info:
M!A: The Münchner Initiativen Abend (Evening of the Munich Initiatives) at TUM
Broaden your horizon, further your talents, be active: Munich's student initiatives offer students great opportunities to get involved while studying or working towards a doctorate. For almost all of the 26 participating initiatives, the application deadlines for interested parties are coming up soon. The Münchner Initiativen Abend M!A (Evening of the Munich Initiatives) on April 14, 2021, offers a great opportunity to get to know the individual initiatives (online, via Zoom, starting at 6 pm). More information and registration:
Lecture: Innovative Entrepreneurs
In the lecture Innovative Entrepreneurs you will meet outstanding managers, entrepreneurs, and executives from a wide range of industry sectors. Learn how to think outside the box. Complement theory by insights into practice. Kickoff: April 15, 2021, at 17:30 CEST. Course registration & details: Innovative Entrepreneurs
Tech Challenge
Experience hands-on interdisciplinary teamwork to address challenges industrial partners regarding different topics like AI, automotive, civil engineering, or health&bio. Additionally, you can choose a coach who will be with you every step of the way. You’ll get free access to MakerSpace, credits or a certificate, and all the UnternehmerTUM support you need. Kickoff: April 19, 2021, at 18:00 CEST. Course registration & details: Tech Challenge – techTALENTS
Business Plan Seminar
Experience yourself as an entrepreneur and develop your business idea in agile, iterative cycles with a lot of real-life feedback. Will you have to do this alone? Nope, you can choose a coach who will be with you every step of the way on this amazing, hands-on, real-life journey. You’ll get free access to MakerSpace, credits or a certificate, and all the UnternehmerTUM support you need. Kickoff: April 21, 2021, at 18:00 CEST. Course registration & details: Business Plan Basic Seminar
Deadline extension
The application deadlines for Bachelor's degree courses and teaching qualification courses (leading to a state examination) will be extended to July 31, 2021 for the winter semester 2021/22 (instead of July 15). For students who are enrolled in the summer semester 2021 and are not on leave, the deadlines for the minimum credit amounts in the scope of the study progress control ("Studienfortschrittskontrolle") will be extended by one semester in order to take the restrictions due to the corona pandemic into account. This regulation was decided on centrally, for all of the students, so it is not necessary to send an according application to the responsible examination board.
Extended individual standard duration of study
As for the summer semester 2020 and the winter semester 2020/21, an extended individual standard duration of study ("Regelstudienzeit") has been decided on for the summer semester 2021 in order to automatically extend the BAföG maximum period of study by one additional semester. You will find a corresponding confirmation on your enrollment certificate, which you can download from the TUMonline-platform (under "Printouts for students").
Minimum credit points
For Bachelor's degree programs with a Basic and Orientation Examination (Grundlagen- und Orientierungsprüfung, GOP), the following applies for the summer semester 2021: The deadlines specified in the respective examination and study regulations (Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung, FPSO) for providing the minimum credit amount for GOP examinations will be extended by one semester.
Module examinations
For degree programs in which, according to the applicable study regulations (Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung, FPSO), a certain number of fundamental module examinations must be completed by the end of the second semester, the deadline is extended by one semester as well. This does not apply to conditional admission requirements ("Auflagenprüfungen"). The according regulations for this can be found under the item "Will deadlines for conditional admission requirements be extended?"
Admission to Master's degree programs
According to Art. 99 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act, the deadlines for the fulfillment of requirements for admission to Master's degree programs or for proof of the first professional qualification can be extended once by half a year after examination in individual cases – thus allowing for a maximum of three semesters. If this applies to you, please contact the respective Academic Advising or your examination board.
TUM Alumni & Career Program
In the scope of the pandemic, it is – not only, but especially – important to acquire information and advice on how to plan and effectively manage your career entry, internship, job search, or networking with like-minded students, doctoral candidates, and alumni. Find out more about this topic on our homepage There, you will also find everything you need to know about our new "Virtual CareerCafé": a 30-minute online exchange with HR experts on career-related issues over a cup of tea or coffee. Registration for all webinars and workshops: TUM Alumni & Career Events
Chat of the General Student Advising Service
The chat of the General Student Advising Service offers students and prospective students an opportunity to get in touch with the respective advisors quickly and easily. You can find more information about the times, target groups, and specific subject areas at TUM General Student Advising
TUM Equal Opportunity Trainings
Each semester, the training program of the Equal Opportunity Office offers various courses. Depending on the faculty, they can be recognized as part of interdisciplinary qualifications. In the summer semester there are: Diversity Competence, Gender Competence as a Key Qualification, Diversity and Conflict Management, Standing, Voice and Communication – for Women, Individual Change Management, Global Diversity I+II. Contact: Anja Quindeau, Tel. (089) 289 - 28339, quindeau. More information: @tum.deEqual Opportunity Office Training Seminars
Family Café / Financing a course of studies as a parent
The TUM Family Service would like to draw attention to the following events for (prospective) student parents in the summer semester 2021: The Family Café of the Munich universities, on May 5, 2021, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, online. More information: Family Café of the Munich universities …and an information event on how to finance a course of studies as a parent, on May 6, 2021, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, online. More information: Online information Financing a course of studies as a parent
Studying with a disability or chronic illness
The virtual event of the Office for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students provides information on support options during a course of studies – such as compensation for disadvantages, contact points, accessibility, etc., but also on how to take the disability or chronic illness into account when applying. Online information events will take place on May 17, 2021, June 17, 2021, and July 12, 2021, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. More information: Barrier-free education
Statutes Database
Here you will find all the legal foundations for your studies at TUM: from the General Academic and Examination Regulations via the Program-Specific Academic and Examination Regulations to the Regulations on the Awarding of Doctoral Degrees – official versions as well as engrossed versions. The new Statutes Database can be found at Statutes and Regulations
Screencast Online Application
The new TUMonline tutorial "Online Application at TUM" provides prospective Master's students with detailed information and a step-by-step guide to the application process at TUM – from orientation concerning the range of studies to information about necessary documents and instructions for setting up the application in TUMonline.