A survey by TUM4Health
Your health at home

How are the current restrictions affecting your personal quality of life? The quick survey is conducted by sports scientists in cooperation with the TUM4Health project.
The survey is supposed to help to better understand your situation, your needs and wishes in the corona crisis. The next step will be the development of offers to make your everyday life as a student easier.
- To the survey of TUM4Health
TUM4Health wants to establish a "Student Health Management" at TUM – an initiative that was started at the Chair of Preventive Pediatrics of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences. Meanwhile, a multidisciplinary team has been established, with a focus on the health of students and the entire university.
With students for students
What is TUM4Health working on? The primary goal is to spread health information, for example to motivate people to take more exercise – but it is also about explaining the possibilities of stress management, approaches to study-(work-)life-balance, and nutrition myths.
There are also activities to participate in. The motto of TUM4Health is, as always: "With students for students". Thus, it is important that all offers are developed close to the needs of the TUM students. For example, the website offers tips from students for other students with regard to staying at home a lot in the current situation: Tips from students for students
Health for all of TUM
TUM4Health is committed to promoting the topic of health throughout TUM. For example, how can more exercise be offered at all locations and at more flexible times? Where could there be more retreat and rest areas for TUM members? How can health-promoting measures be integrated into the free curriculum, and how can information on health opportunities at TUM be collected, bundled, and passed on in the best possible way?
Contact: tum4health @sg.tum.de
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