• 7/30/2018

Here’s to good collaboration

Useful tools while studying

Pursuing a university education means more than working alone in a cubicle somewhere. It often requires working together: sharing data for an assignment, writing a project report or discussing the current status of a project via video conference.

Sync+Share, Wiki, Gitlab, Meet – many useful tools to help you study. (Photo: Astrid Eckert)
Sync+Share, Wiki, Gitlab, Meet – many useful tools to help you study. (Photo: Astrid Eckert)

TUM and the Leibniz Supercomputing Center (LRZ) offer a wide range of tools that simplify this collaboration for you. Here are the most important ones at a glance:


With Sync+Share - the TUM Dropbox - you can share up to 50GB of data with members of the university and external persons, as well as collaborate on documents.


Collect and share knowledge together. TUM offers a Wiki system for fast and uncomplicated collaboration in small groups.


The GitLab software enables simple collaboration with multiple people on a project, as well as version management, such as for a graduate paper or doctorate project.


With Meet, you can quickly and easily organize web conferences via a web browser, all without additional software installations or plug-ins.


More information:
Communication and Collaboration

Technical University of Munich

Corporate Communications Center

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