More than 30 facilities at the open house day on the Garching Research Campus
Glimpses into the latest research

Once a year the staff of the Garching Research Campus invites visitors to experience the myriad and oftentimes unique research work up close and personal. Open will be facilities like the world’s most versatile neutron source, the tandem van de Graff particle accelerator, the fusion reactor at the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics and the inner workings of the SuperMUC supercomputer.
Student initiatives will present the world’s most efficient electric vehicle, a newly designed glider that made its maiden flight only a few days ago, autonomous model cars and numerous other projects.
Alongside interactive experiments and guided tours, the Open House Day will host an array of talks in which scientists elucidate their work. The EUROfusion consortium is hosting the German premiere of the documentary film “Let There Be Light” in Garching. ITER scientists and the protagonist Mark Henderson will be available for a Q&A session following the premiere.
Prepare to be surprised by how much mathematics is hidden away in our everyday lives, how computer science makes our lives more intelligent and what mobility and the energy supply of tomorrow might look like. Experience the positive changes innovations bring to our lives in the Innotruck of the German Federal Ministry of Research.
This year the newly established Munich School of BioEngineering will introduce itself. The Munich School of Engineering will greet you for the first time in its own building. And another first: Visitors can experience the new hotel and congress center GALILEO from the inside. Participating once again this year will be three of the four Max Planck Institutes on campus and the metal casting demonstrations by the Chair of Metal Forming and Casting.
And for those who need a break from all the “brain jogging,” why not take a jump down the parallel slides? The versatile Open House Day programs will offer attractions for all ages. Even children will find all sorts of exciting things on offer.
For further information on the many Open House Day events visit our website at There you will find a comprehensive program (in German) of the day’s events.
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