Against the TUM’s usage guidelines:
Microsoft’s Outlook-App for iPhone/iPad/Android
This applies especially for:
- Your login data (user ID, password) to access the TUM-Mail address
- Attachments that you open in the App, calendar entries and contacts
Thus, storing your access data is regarded as an act of sharing the information, which the usage policy of the TUM and the LRZ does not allow. You should not collect mails from your TUM-mail address (, using the Outlook-App.
If you have the Outlook-App or its predecessor Acompli installed on your iPhone/iPad/Android, the TUM’s IT-Service Centre advises you to:
- Cancel your exchange-account in the App and use the option "from Device and Remote". Otherwise, Microsoft will still be able to access your account.
- Uninstall the App.
- Change your password in TUMonline.
- To retrieve the e-mails and calendar, you can integrate the TUM-Mail address and use the already installed Apps. For instructions, refer to the LRZ under 2.3 and Microsoft.