"TUM:Agenda Lehre“:
More than 16 million euros for tuition models and commitment
The „TUM:Agenda Lehre“ kicked off on 1 October 2011. The project is being sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for a period of 5 years to begin with. The core projects can be subdivided into four main categories:
1) Improving the conditions for studying and teaching within the organizational structures of the TUM. Teaching assessments are to relate more strongly to the results, new forms of student feedback are to be set up and examination timetables and course curricula will be further optimized.
2) TUM plans to foster particularly talented individuals and intends to introduce some new forms of tuition as well as new models for the length of studies, aligned to students’ individual aptitude: following a joint basic course, so-called “Y model” Bachelor’s courses will be split into a more research-oriented part and a more practice-oriented part. To begin with, TUM will introduce these courses in natural science subjects.
TUM already offers a one-year basic science course called “studium naturale”, which serves to prepare students for specialization and helps them to decide which subject to major in. This model is now to be transferred to engineering subjects under the working title of “Technikum”. Undergraduates can opt for extra tuition in so-called modules or additional studies for up to one year before, parallel to or after their Bachelor‘s degree course in subjects that will qualify them better for their chosen career. The aim is to make it easier for Bachelor’s graduates to obtain employment without undue delay.
3) Additional staff in the Faculties will provide students with better academic supervision. Course managers are to be appointed to assist the deans of studies in their work. It is proposed to fill vacant professorships sooner and engage more visiting professors, and a new Master’s advisory team will help Bachelor’s degree holders to decide what course to take. Due to the success of the Mentoring program, it is to become a permanent fixture. Not only alumni, but also advanced students will act as mentors in the future.
4) TUM has also set its sights on lecturers: by offering advanced training and special tuition prizes, it hopes to promote and enhance their teaching skills.